Insatiable Desire

Feeling cornered again, Arabella strongly squeezed Bill’s hand.

How could she say no to Bill’s parents?

Kelly and Ed treated her very well as their real daughter.

The air in the office seemed to suffocate her while she nodded to agree with his fake husband.

“Okay. I’ll take that as a yes.” Kelly blinked at her. “Now, I have to go.” She then added and hugged Bill first and Arabella before making her way out.

“Ah… Mom, I want to accompany you out.” Arabella had a panic attacked when Kelly had bid her goodbye. Finding a chance to escape from him, she said sincerely.

“How sweet of you. Okay, let’s go.” Kelly replied.

Arabella smiled in satisfaction and took out her hand from him. This time, Bill let go and looked at her with dissatisfaction.