Her Chances

“No!” Arabella looked at the man who had no glow on his expression. She clenched her fists very hard until she felt her nails dig in her palms. Stopping herself from punching him, she gathered her calmness but it seemed she had run out of calmness from the day she met him again.

“Out!” Bill’s eyes were killers. His voice resonated inside the office that making Arabella’s spirit jumped in fright.

Is he giving her a chance to leave?

But Arabella stood still. She refused to go out even if she already felt like running away. Suppressing all her fears, she managed to stay and looked at the man with fearlessness in her eyes.

The air in the room seemed frosty but she feels like a burning lava.

“No. I need you to transfer my mom to your hospital.” Arabella’s voice was not pleading. She was more like giving an order to him.

“Okay.” Bill nodded repetitively while walking in a circle with her in the middle.

“So bold.” He added like a compliment but not.