Money Can't Buy Love

“Drive! Drive!Drive!” Gab shouted urging their driver to go faster while holding Farrah’s hand. They were being chased by the Ming’s men and his mother’s men but Bill’s men helped them to get rid of the 4 cars but one car was still chasing them.

“I’m sorry baby.” In the backseat, Gab’s forehead rested on Farrah’s forehead while he uttered with sincerity.

Instead of answering, Farrah hugged her husband. “Shhh… It’s fine.” She pacified him. She knew how torture for Gab to choose between her and his family.

“I love you. I can’t live without you.” Gab whispered while hugging her.

“I love you too.” After hearing Farrah’s answer, Gab kissed her deeply. They didn’t mind another person inside the car as they greatly missed each other.

“Sir, we are here.” The driver shyly interrupted their intimate scene. He was one of Bill’s men. Gab's escape was all arranged by Bill.

“Let’s go!” Gab hurriedly dragged Farrah out to the standby private plane but before they could go farther,