Crazy For You

“Bill, my son. I don’t want to go back to the villa. All I can feel there is loneliness.” Kelly sounded on the phone.

“Hmmm.” Bill just muttered.

“I want to stay in your place my son. I want to be with you and Adam. I want to know my grandson well.” Kelly added convincing Bill. It was true that she felt lonely inside her big mansion but her mere purpose was to prevent Arabella from entering her son’s life again. She swore to make her life a living hell if she would even try to step into her son’s house.

Driven with her anger and revenge for Arabella, Kelly had buried a long time ago her good relationship with her and her family.

“Okay.” Bill just answered plainly.

"That made my day! Then expect me tomorrow my son." Kelly answered excitedly. Now that her son allowed her to stay in his house, she could guard and protect Bill and Adam from Arabella and Kelly was very sure that Arabella had zero chance of entering into their lives again with her presence.