
“How lucky I am to finally cornered you here.” The man who was wearing an evil grin sounded.

“Mr. Clinton.” Arabella’s lips were trembling. Shocked, her eyes widened. With what happened at the party, she could easily decipher what he wanted. Her instinct was telling her to hurriedly run away but when she was about to turn her heels around, she bumped on a hard rock chest. Her eyes widened in fear as two gangsters were behind her. She quickly took a step back and tried her best not to stumble in fear in front of the bad guys. She had to go back to her son alive so she had to escape from them no matter what.

“Look, Mr. Clinton. If you want revenge, you should not come to me.” Arabella tried to settle the situation with her wits. Though she was trembling inside, she stood up tough.

“Hahaha.” Mr. Clinton chuckled grimly. “I don’t mind playing tricks with a beautiful woman.” His voice was sinister and lusty.