The Nerds

“Look who’s here.” Clark’s bully voice echoed in the canteen.

At that time, Adam was eating with his classmates.

Together, they looked at the owner of the voice.

“The nerds are here.” Clark chuckled grimly with his two tall buddies.

Adam and his classmates just ignored him as they continue eating.

“New star!” Clark called Adam.

It was his name for him and it was his title before.

Clark was the most popular boy in the school before Adam came in.

He was the most loved by teachers and kids because he was the richest boy in their school before Adam came in.

He owned the school as students there were all his puppets.

No one dares to disobey and offend him.

“Is it true that your mom used you to marry your billionaire dad?” Clark grabbed a chair and sat next to Adam.

Adam still ignored Clark as he didn’t want to get indulged in his bullying.

He could see Clark as a bully.

Adam had already sensed Clark’s inauspicious intention.