
“Good morning, guys!” Trishia’s smile was up to her ears while her two girlfriends got her back.

“Aunt Trishia? What are you doing here?” Adam was first to break the silence.

He knew camping was not his Aunt Trishia’s thing.

“Well…” Trishia moved to Bill who’s beside Arabella then kissed him on his cheek. “We just want to join you guys if you don’t mind.” She added cheerfully.

Then her eyes landed on the other side of the table.

“OMG! Mr…. Mr. Eric Grant?” Trishia giggled at the handsome Eric who was silently observing the situation.

His eyes were merely focused on Arabella the whole time.

Trishia strode seductively to Eric and gracefully gave her hand to him.

Eric smirked cutely and shook Trishia’s hand just not to embarrass her.

“Eric Grant. Hi.” Eric sounded plain.

“Hi, I’m Trishia Meyer. Bill’s….” She looked at the man who was calmly sitting and sipping his coffee.

“Bill’s fiancée before but soon to be his next wife,” Trishia claimed confidently.