The Plan

Arabella and Adam drove directly to Damien’s house.

It was the mansion to which Damien had given her the key.

In the room, she put the sleeping Adam on the bed.

She looked at him with swollen eyes.

By just sneaking at him, one could easily say that exhaustion was eating him up.

She didn't want this to happen to Adam.

Arabella's heart was instantly torn into pieces.

Adam was always a brave boy.

He was different from the other kids.

He knew how to hide his real feelings so that they could not affect others, especially his mom.

Arabella never hated Adam when he easily forgave his dad but, at some point, she wished that Adam would be by her side always so she would not have a hard time living together with the Sky.

She would never have to live with them if not for Adam.

She would not have lowered herself being humiliated with the Sky every day if not for her son.

She would not probably be a servant in their house if Adam didn’t insist on living with his father.