
“Grandpa… I did everything but seemed everything was not real. It was just part of your desire to have but in reality, there’s no happiness at all.”

“Your heart would just cause you pain.”

“Love would just blind you over your judgments.”

“Once peaceful world was shattered by just a girl.”

“She betrayed me!”

“She never loved me...”

“She made me look like a fool!”

“Arabella Jones…”

“You had no right to make me feel this way...”

“You dumped me because you had found your savior.”

“You are a user!”

“You are no different from other women!”

In his grandfather’s mansion, Bill drowned himself with alcohol alone.

He didn’t want to see anyone at this time.

“Sir, your family is safe. That person driving your wife’s car is not her.” It was his private investigator.