
"Who the hell are you?" The foxy woman shouted. She was beautiful but Arabella could see her inside was not.

"I... I am Arabella Jones." Arabella answered with surging irritation. Why was the woman shouting at her when they can talk politely and properly.

Who even she by the way?

After they got custody of Ivan, Eric wanted them to move to his country but she refused. For her, what if Adam would go back? She could not afford to leave the country without her son. So Eric had no choice but to stay in Capital Z but Arabella agreed to leave the country after they found Adam.

Living in Eric's mansion was a breather for her. She was the only lady in the mansion aside from a few servants. The irritated woman in front of her was new to her sight but why was she acting like she owned the house?

Is she Eric's sister?

A relative perhaps?

Now, her mind was in a deep mess.

She realized, she didn't know Eric and his life well.