Best Plan

At the beach, Arabella sat on the beach chair.

She saw how happy Eric, Ivan, and Rosy were playing.

Arabella was also happy for them.

She could see how Rosy stared at Eric lovingly and Arabella was satisfied with it.

She knew her brother Eric and Ivan would have someone if ever she would leave them in the future.

Ivan needed a mom and there’s no doubt that Rosy could be one due to her strong affection for Eric.

For sure, her brother would also be happy with Rosy.

As for now, he could not see it but in the future, Arabella had no doubt that the three would make a happy family.

“Watch out!” Eric roared catching the ball.

“Oh, sorry. I’m very sorry.” Rosy cried out rushing in Arabella's and Eric’s direction.

“Let’s stop this nonsense game now.” With controlled anger, Eric ordered.

If he would be too late to catch the ball something terrible would surely happen to Arabella.