Taking Care of Best Enemy

Arabella quickly pushed Bill Sky and moved away quickly.

“Ahhhh!” Bill roared painfully.

Hearing him, she rushed back to him.

She quickly held his forehead. She was very cold.

“Bill Sky, I will bring you to the hospital now. I don’t want you to die in my apartment. I don’t want to be accused of your death and I don’t want to be held responsible.” She uttered while holding his arm to get up but Bill’s muscled body was too heavy for her and aside from that Bill Sky wasn’t cooperating.

Arabella put his arm down.

Then she held his forehead again to check his temperature.

She was shocked. Bill was freezing.

So, she stormed to the kitchen to get warm water.

She then wiped his beautiful face and sexy body with a soft cloth.

The soft cloth was touching his muscles gently.

She couldn't help to gulp controlling her hormones to be gone insane even in this emergency situation.

who could dictate female hormones?