The Enchantress' Spell

“Dad, I’m here.” Trishia came after Sen. Meyer summoned her.

“Aren’t you ashamed calling me dad? Look Trishia, I realized that you can’t be my daughter. You are too useless to be one. Well, it’s my fault that I adopt you but then, you see even if I dressed you up with money and elegance, you still look so dumb to me. I just wasted my time and money on you.” Sen. Meyer sounded straightforward.

“Enough dad! Enough!” A great pain directly penetrated her heart as she covered her ears afraid of hearing more of his cruel words.

He never loved her as his real daughter.

He just used her for his political career.

“Stop calling me dad!” With his wooden cane, Sen. Meyer stomped it loudly on the ground. “Just go back to being a slave of your illusions and hallucinations.”

“But dad, I can give you Bill Sky. I’m still just working on it.” After the scandal she had been through Trishia was already out of the limelight.