Doll On Display

Arabella started to wonder why on earth she was with him again?

Why on earth she was inside his place?

Is she really going to be his contractual woman again?

Could she really have the guts to refuse his charm?


The charming monster.

The cruelest of all.

The domineering maniac but really the best of all the best in bed.


She had to make a way to get rid of her problem and then him.

She kept on drinking and whimpering until Bill sat beside her.

She was like floating in the air already as the alcohol started to take over her.

"Sleep with me." He muttered calmly but his tone was deep.

His eyes were sincere.

She could tell but she was too tipsy to appreciate it.

"No... no way!" She refused then smiled.

Her eyes were silky then after a quick second, he became a blurry silhouette.

That was the last thing she remembered.

Massaging her forehead, she confirmed that she collapsed last night.