Unicorn Among Horses

One morning, Arabella received another call from Sen. Meyer.

Her heartbeat started to elevate.

She could sense this call would ruin her day.

She just stared at her cellphone not willing to answer the Senator as she was not prepared for him.

She would never be prepared for him but thinking of his father’s situation, she gritted her teeth then she tapped the accept call button.

“Finally, you answered.” The Senator sounded satisfied.

She didn’t speak.

Who would even want to talk to a hideous man like him?

Who would even talk to a person who would put her in danger?

“Arabella…” He called her name. “I know you are there listening.” He chuckled devilishly. “That’s right, just listen to me because I really need you to listen to me carefully.” His voice was deep and scary but she was not scared of him.

If it were not only for her father, she would not follow him.

She would fight for her life if it means her being free with him but the situation was different.