
Trishia opted to wait for Arabella’s call in a restaurant of the hotel.

Tonight, she was overwhelmed with excitement. She ordered some cocktails to soothe her mood.

She had to cool down because she was already bursting with enthusiasm that finally, she could climb Bill’s bed tonight with the help of Arabella Jones.

Drinking her Margareta, her phone rang.

It’s Jayson Hansen.

Trishia smiled before she answered her phone.

“Hello, handsome. Do you miss me?” Trishia’s tone was very seductive just fitting her mood for tonight.

“Trishia, where are you now?” Jayson on the other hand had the opposite mood.

His tone was severe and seemed he was in a hurry.

“I’m sorry, handsome. I am not free now. I’m in a hotel now and I have something very important thing to do tonight.” Trishia answered directly as she knew already the reason for Jayson’s call.

She was used to him calling her If he needed someone to release his tensions but tonight, she was reserved for Bill Sky.