The Disaster

"Bill! Bill, stay with me!" Arabella panicked seeing Bill as pale as a ghost while sweating all over his forehead. Inside his eyes were like silk floating like he was beginning to hallucinate. Arabella quickly jumped out of his arms. She didn't know what to do but she felt she had to do something to save him. Thinking about their situation was terrifying in the jungle. She could not let him die or she would be doomed.

How could she go home without Bill Sky? She could not survive in a forest without anyone to call for help. Immediately, she got her phone. Her instinct was urging her to call for help but what was more terrifying was there was no network in the area. She kept on raising her phone seeking a signal but there was none. Then, she slipped her hand inside his pocket looking for his mobile phone. She didn't care as she was determined to resolve the situation as fast as she could.

She could not let him die.

Not today.

Not now.