Untouched Memories

“Wait for me in the office until I finish,” Bill whispered. His lips were very close to her earlobe that she could feel the refreshing warmth of his breath. It gave her a chill down her spine. Arabella instantly opened her eyes and saw Bill smirking handsomely. She blushed as she felt embarrassed with the thought about Bill was going to kiss her. Even the elevator scene had changed too.

For an inexplicable reason, she felt very annoyed and disappointed.

“Ding!” It was the elevator. It opened and Bill got out first. She followed feeling a bit off as she shook her head trying to get rid of the unusual feelings she had. As her thoughts ran wild, she just thought that maybe she was just a little sensitive today because of Jayson. Then she heaved a heavy sigh to let go of all of her frustrations.

When they entered the CEO’s floor, she saw three unfamiliar figures.

They were sexy hot models but they dressed smart and professional.