Spending Night With The Egocentric

7 years ago, Bill was very devastated about everything that happened.

Especially with Arabella and his unfamiliar self.

When he met this girl, he didn’t notice that he changed little by little.

Arabella Jones changed him in a very special way that no other woman could do.

Even though they kept on fighting with each other, they ended up needing each other.

Even though he tried so hard to control himself, he ended up seeking his comfort in her.

He felt unusual whenever he was with Arabella.

It was way too impossible for him to imagine that he would feel this way for a woman.

For Bill Sky, no woman was worth his effort and time.

Every second was worth billions for him.

But then, when he met this extraordinary girl in the bar, everything changed.

This girl dared to kiss him in public and just ran off.

Starting that day, his mind was preoccupied with the girl.

He had no explanation but he wanted to see her again badly.