Greater Value

“Victor? What are you doing? Behave yourself!” Ginger hissed first feeling embarrassed by his brother’s action.

She was stunned and puzzled by the scene too but she could not stand it with his brother as she knew Victor was playful all the time and sometimes, he had a mood that was very difficult to understand.

As for Ginger, she didn’t want Bill to think something bad about her family.

Arabella quickly snatched her hand from Victor.

She averted her gaze to the side as she could not continue to stare at his killer eyes.

They seemed to stab her alive.

But why Bill was acting like he was angry with the scene when he deliberately invited Ginger for breakfast earlier?

He invited Ginger not her.

With her thoughts, she got annoyed.

Why she would care about Bill when he didn’t even care about her?

That was just so unfair if she would feel somewhat guilty and needed to explain everything to him.


Nothing happened!