Culprits' Confession

Arabella thought she already buried Bill with her anger but hearing the Senator, she was troubled once again.

The Senator knew that she was in a coma but what he didn’t know was that she could hear him clearly.

“Dad, I’m here.” Another familiar voice awakened Arabella’s senses.

She could not be mistaken.

The owner of the voice was none other than Trishia Meyer.

‘Why is she here?’

Her mind was running through a very deep abyss trying to find the answer to her question.

All she knew was Trishia hated the Senator likewise as the old Senator.

They hated each other.

Then why they were together now?

The two vicious people who never stopped pestering and trying to put her down were together now.

What is their plan?

Arabella was very troubled as she could not figure out what these two people were working on.

For her, it must be a big one, and one thing for sure, it was a hideous one.