Hitting Two Birds In One Stone

“Bill! Here!” Trishia suddenly appeared.

“Trishia?” Bill frowned while he uttered her name. “Why are you here?” He asked.

“I just happened to hear my father’s plan. So, I came to rescue you.” Trishia answered reasonably.

Hearing Trishia, his frowning got deeper as he smirked.

Trishia couldn’t see the doubt in Bill for her but she couldn’t also see that he believed in her.

No matter what, she would just stick to him until the end.

“I have to go,” Bill uttered and went in another direction.

Trishia was pissed but somehow, she managed to control it as her plan was almost halfway.

Carrying her gun, she followed Bill until she saw the awful scene in the backyard of the warehouse.

Trishia hid in the corner waiting for the perfect timing.

She was smiling and having fun watching Jackson and Sen. Meyer on the ground.

Just when Jackson was about to finish the Senator, that was the time Trishia appeared.

She shot the man called Jackson.