Bed Scene

Bill opened the door of his bedroom.

He seemed to memorize every detail of his house that he could easily maneuver around even in the dark.

When she reached Bill’s room, she felt something was wrong.

She could not find any happiness that finally Bill was going to bring him to the master bedroom of his house.

She was not overwhelmed by what they were going to do in his room.

Her nervousness was surging up and her mind was in a deep mess.

Something was off and she could feel the extremely cold air telling her that there was danger inside his room.

When the door closed, Bill suddenly pushed Arabella against the wall.

Her back landed on a hard wall hardly and it caused intensive pain.

She endured it as she tried to stabilize her weak knees.

“Are you thinking that I’m going to touch you?” Bill asked with a very sarcastic tone.

Arabella could feel the warmth of his fresh breath and scent mixed into one.

She didn’t move and didn’t say anything.