Last Shred Of Hope

Midnight, Bill couldn’t sleep as usual.

With Trishia or anybody woman, he could not find his calm.

His mind was wandering everywhere.

Ever since he had a hard time sleeping and he didn’t consider it as part of his everyday routine.

If he had to choose sleep and work, there was no doubt he would opt to work this late rather than sleep beside some woman in bed.

He never liked it until sleeping with Arabella.

This woman made him so much at ease the whole night that he could sleep the whole night straight and woke up late the next day.

That was a lot of time for a busy businessman like him but he found it the most luxurious he had.

Remembering, Arabella, Bill heaved a heavy sigh.

He didn’t know but he felt trouble with her presence all the time.

Bill looked at Trishia who was sleeping soundly beside him.

She asked him earlier to lay beside her.

Well, what else he couldn’t do for his savior?