His Greatest Rival

Mark couldn’t believe what he heard.

‘Bill Sky’

His brother.

The only child who his father acknowledged.

The sole heir of Sky Corporation.

And his greatest rival.

Mark didn’t want to see him.

At that time, he felt jealous and angry with Bill Sky because he had everything while he had nothing.

Bill was acknowledged and he was hidden like a dirty thing that could stain their prestige family reputation in society.

“Young Master, Mr. Sky is here to see you.” Mr. Hendrick explained politely.

“No… Tell him to leave.” Mark replied firmly as he went back to bed and wrapped himself in the thick quilt.

“But…” Mr. Hendrick’s expression showed strong uneasiness.

How could he relay that to Mr. Bill Sky?

Though Bill was just young at that time, he was already handling the business and he was far from the usual young people.

He was already profound and dignified.

Bill Sky was serious about everything.