Infinite Love

“Mom, if you love dad, why did you let him marry another woman?” Sitting on a bench shaded with a big Mahogany tree, Adam and Arabella calmed their minds and hearts for a while.

They needed this scenery and the fresh air to mend all the ruckus they felt inside.

It’s been a very long time since they hadn’t done this.

Who would have thought that they could hang out in a park again after their lives were unexpectedly twisted?

Who would have thought that she would be separated from her only son who she raised for a long time?

It was only Arabella’s dream before she could bring her little boy to the park again.

She hadn’t seen Adam for a long time and she didn’t expect that her dream would come true because of Bill’s wedding.

In her dream, Adam was smiling at her happily while they were playing balls or just chasing each other’s full of laughter around the huge playground not like this one.

Her boy was so dispirited like he lost something.

Arabella felt him.