The Good Friend

“Ms.? Are you, okay?” Eric stepped forward.

He was curious why she seemed not to hear him because she didn’t move nor turn around to see him.

Eric was sure that she was one of the servants in the resort because she wore the same uniform.

She could not be deeply sleeping at work.

Eric frowned as he slowly approached the unmoved girl.

His footsteps were heard slowly and closely approaching the girl's direction.

“Sir? Do you need, anything?” Mr. Harry suddenly blocked his way.

Eric was stunned and he quickly back to his senses.

He jolted for a while before he spoke.

“Ah, Mr. Harry, Another bottle please?” Eric raised the empty bottle of wine and then put it on the side table.

He sneaked behind the old man curiously checking the girl he saw earlier but the chair was already empty.

Eric frowned deeply.

How could that be possible?

He knew he saw someone sitting there earlier and he couldn't be mistaken.