Connecting Dots

Last night, Eric went back to the resort and came to see Mr. Harry, the oldest butler.

With the handkerchief in his hand, he just wanted to give it to the old servant somehow there was something that kept on bugging him. His curiosity about that girl servant who was so distant from him.

Well, it was quite usual for this kind of place maybe.

Maybe that girl might just be shy.

Eric shook his head and got rid of the idea.

Then, he looked at his wristwatch.

It was just a matter of a few hours left and he would fly back to the city and then go back abroad.

His works there were waiting for him and he had no time to spare.

When he was walking in a hallway, he luckily met the old man.

“Mr. Harry,” Eric strode closer to the old servant.

“Good evening, Mr. Grant.” Mr. Harry halted and greeted him politely.

“Good evening,” Eric answered reciprocating his politeness. "By the way, I found this." Eric showed the colored brown handkerchief.