Tragic Night

Arabella was so irate with Bill but the latter was calm and unaffected by her nagging.

Bill took his seat back.

Then he crossed his long leg over the other.

He sat elegantly like a powerful king on his throne.

This scene made Arabella more annoyed.

From that moment, she already knew that Bill would not leave even if she would shout at him at the top of her lungs.

He was a professional headache maker.

Arabella could not help rolling her eyes at Bill.

Tomorrow, she was thinking of putting a banner outside.


Realizing how lame her thought was, she quickly shook her head to get rid of all the nonsense.

Then, she looked at Bill with her sharp eyes.

‘What is he thinking?’

‘What if Trishia knew that he is here?’

‘That would cause another big problem for her.’

‘Trishia would not just go easy with her this time and she is not the type to take things easy especially when it comes to Bill and her.’