Bad Ending

“Drop all your guns, idiots!” Trishia was addressing to all the cops who were alerted with her detonator.

They didn't see it coming.

No one saw this coming.

They couldn't believe that Trishia was carrying a detonator and surrounded the area with bombs.

Trishia Meyer was known to everyone as a sweet actress of her generation.

She gained popularity before when she won the best actress award and aside from that, she always carried that sweet rapport with the camera and in the public.

A sweet girl turned bad indeed.

“I will count to 3 and everybody here will be pulverized if you are not going to follow my order! Is everyone ready?” Trishia's eyes were mad as she looked at everyone in the circle. “One!” She started counting and no one dared to move.

The cops were contemplating what to do as they could not risk the people inside.

Judging Trishia’s mad expression, she had gone totally insane.

She could kill them all with just a press of her detonator.