Lira's Confession

“Bill, what are you talking about?” Arabella was shocked by Bill’s alarming words.

She knew Bill would not give her a false accusation, not even the smallest joke but she also knew and she believed that Lira would never be a danger to her.

She had known Lira for a very long time now and Lira never left her side.

Lira was a big help to her.

Lira was an orphan and she accepted Lira when she decided to work for her and experienced the world outside.

Arabella could vouch that Lira was a good person and a good friend.

“Listen carefully to me. Lira is the one who got Trishia’s detonator and blew the entire hall.” Bill continued in a serious tone.

His voice was giving her a huge warning that she should be aware of a great danger around her.

He would never talk any nonsense against one person, especially to a woman.

Bill was always busy and time for him was so precious.

He would never waste it in talking such nonsense.