He Made Her Day

Hanna never imagined that day was going to come when Rosy would beg her to stay with Eric.

She had known Rosy for being a straightforward woman from the start.

If people would not know her personally, she sounded bitchy but full of elegance which made her very intimidating.

Well, as for her, she just saw her once.

At that time, she just knew her name was Rosy and nothing more.

Hanna was not really a person to socialize with.

She rather stayed in one corner than talk to some random strangers who would just brag about their branded clothing and how expensive the jewelry they were wearing was.

It made her sick hearing some stuff about rich people.

Nevertheless, Hanna was well aware that she was not fit in this kind of rich world.

Her only knowledge was to swindle people and just came from a poor experience.

She didn’t go to school because her mother was sick and they didn’t have the money to send her to school plus she still had a younger brother, Anthony.