Precious Key

"Damien, my son! my husband! I have to know their condition! Oh gosh! No... I have to go...I need to see them right away. What day is today? How long did I sleep? No... I really need to see them!" Arabella was getting a panic attack.

Different strong emotions were shown in her expression like she would not stop until she would successfully achieve her goal.

She was totally in a deep mess with a very chaotic mind.

Calmness was never on her side.

Her body started shaking and walking in no definite direction back and forth then without thinking any further, she twitched the door knob to open the door.

She was determined to go even without Damien's approval.

At this point, she felt like she was going to die without seeing Adam and Bill.

Breathing was so hard for her and her heart was pumping so slowly and heavily like it was going to stop anytime.

She felt like melting like a candle heated by a ravishing flame.

Without them, she would not live.