Kalani's POV

Soon after, one by one, everyone started coming downstairs. Eawa came down first. With an uncovered exercise book, an exercise book cover, and a plastic cover.

"Mom, my math book isn't covered." She held them up for me to see. I tilted my head and slightly nodded.

"And you telling me you can't cover it because?" I looked at her to see if she was being serious right now.

"I can, but you are the best person who knows how to cover right." She complained. "Please..." She pouted.

"Don't try to use that sweet tone on me, young lady, it's not gonna work." I turned around and then started to dish out pancakes.

"Ramsay help." She turned to Ramsay who was now just smiling at the corner while chopping some strawberries.

"I'm sorry kid, but if your momma said to do it yourself, I'm afraid I can't help you too." She put her hands up in defeat.

I chuckled, then went on a full Colgate smile.

"Daddy!" I heard her speak up. Her voice went from disappointed to excited and I knew I was going to lose this one because this kid was going to use my husband against me.

"Mommy doesn't want to cover this math book for me." I turned to look back at her in disbelief with my mouth opened a gap.

My husband looked like a snack though. He was wearing his ash gray fannel custom suit with a pepper gray custom topcoat, black chelsea boots, and his favorite watch, a Louis mount Magistralis, and his hair neatly styled.

When he came into the room he was still talking to his phone and with his expression, I could tell something was bothering him.

He stopped Eawa from talking by lifting his hand to her, implying he was on the phone. Eawa immediately got it and stopped talking.

As his call continued, nobody in the room spoke but we continued what we were doing and Montero came to my side to plant a kiss on my forehead as he usually did every morning when I'm in the kitchen. It became so natural it was like drinking water every morning. Nobody even minds us anymore.

We have taught our children to show affection, especially when they get married. And Montero once told the boys something I'll always love him so much for. He said, in his words,

"Always love and look at her like she's still the woman you want to marry, the woman who you want to spend your life with, and the woman whom you just realized you have fallen in love with. That way, you'll never have to wonder where your love for her ever went."

I smiled the day he said that, and I haven't stopped smiling.

Every single time he does something to remind me that he loves me, I'm reminded of what he said. He'll casually bring me flowers, buy me chocolates, take me out on dates, picnics, movies even.

And then he does these little things that don't seem to matter but they do.

He cares.

Not just for me. But for our kids, and what makes them happy. Although all of them have clashing personalities, Montero somehow makes it workup for the better.

Every single time. And I cherish him for it. For his efforts and being the best dad/ husband/ boyfriend/ best friend and more. So much more.

Montero stayed by my side, still holding on to me, while on the phone. When he was done, before I could ask why he was frowning, Eawa spoke first.

"Daddy, momma doesn't want to cover for me." She whined, pouting. My husband smiled and turned to me.

"Babe-" he came closer.

"Fine." Before he could even ask.

"Yayyy!" She started a mini dance.

I reluctantly took the book and cover and looked at her annoyingly. She was doing that, 'oh but I won', look and with it, a mini victory dance followed right after.

Enzo and Charlie came in, and I could tell, they were still angry at each other.

"I'm not over the fact that you used my shampoo." Charlie started.

"Oh goodness, how many times must I tell you, I did not use it." He defended himself, sighing in defeat.

"Charlie you were using my shampoo. I have been trying to tell that from the moment this fight started but non of y'all have been listening." Placido chimed in. Looking all innocent.

"Wait," he turned and looked at him, " When did I take your shampoo? When I was in your room, what was I doing there?" He asked, raising his eyebrow, folding his arms together, and pressing his lips.

I couldn't hear what Placido was saying. He was mumbling something about someone being drunk. That's all I could hear anyways. I could have heard wrong.

When Charlie got closer and listened properly, his anger suddenly turned into a smile, and he put his arm over Placido's shoulder, pulling him closer.

"I remember now." He nervously laughed. "Sorry, Enzo." We, me and Montero looked at each other, like what in the world is going on.

Dakota and Rumi came in last. All ready with their matching white tracksuits. They immediately ran to their father and engulfed him in a hug.

"Daddy!" They uttered in unison. Montero picked them both up, laughing. His laugh was very hearty, it made me smile.

He placed them down on the island chairs and everyone took their seats. He then came back to my side to address the whole family.

"Ok listen up." The whole room went silent. "Today we taking the minibus, meaning we all traveling in one car." He announced.

Suddenly there was shuffling and commotion in the room. I pulled him to the side, confused as to why they would all travel together today.

"This is happening and I'm leaving no room for discussion." He continued before he turned to me so he could speak in a softer voice.

"That's a very armed car. Why would you take it? What's wrong?" I ask concerned?

All our cars had extra compartments for weapons, but that particular one was the most armed car of all.

Although our children didn't know that, they just knew they were well protected.

"Men are lurking in the woods." He explained.

"Felix just phoned me and told me that there are about fifteen men in black, wearing masks and hoods, carrying guns, slowly proceeding towards this house." He continued.

"What?" My eyes popped out, shock written all over my face. "But these are private woods. No one would dare come near here." I shook my head.

This can't be.

"Exactly my point. I have to check it out. Felix will accompany me and some other guys. Seven will come here and you are to lock the doors and go to my private gym.

"The password is your whole hand." He continued. "Stay there until I say it's safe to come out."

Before I could register what he was saying or what was going on, he went where Dakota and Rumi were seating and instructed them to shift to the side and turn in the opposite direction.

They did, and I knew he was taking a gun that was under the island. And it's safe because it only opens with Montero's biomedical input.

When the gun was out, the quads looked at each other with shock because their father has never drawn out a gun in front of the family.

Those moments were reserved for when gyming only. He told Dakota and Rumi to put their hands on their ears.

"And no matter sound you hear, don't look at daddy ok?" He told them smiling.

"Yes, daddy." They conceded, and they did what they were told.

Montero cocked his gun, with anger written all over his face.

"Dad, what's wrong?" Eawa asked. You could tell she was terrified.

"There are men in our woods lurking uninvited. So daddy's going hunting to see if he can find anything worthwhile." He smiled, leaving the room.

