Kalani's POV


That's what I thought of when we got attacked. I looked at my kids, and the panic that engulfed them was overwhelming. I thought of Eawa and Montero, and I looked at those black Mercedes that were following us, and I realized something.

They wouldn't stop. They were never gonna stop. So long as I live, and my kids are with me, and my husband is out there killing them, they will keep coming until there is none of us leave.

Protect the family, protect each other.

That was the Omeŕta. That was the code.

And if I couldn't protect what was mine, what belonged and connected to my belly, what could I ever call my own if people kept wanting what was mine?

And that's when I knew. Whatever happens, my family was mine to touch and nobody else's.

"Gear up, and get ready to shoot whatever that's pointing a gun on this car and our people!" I ordered.

My kids looked at me confused, and I felt a pang of annoyance having to repeat myself.