Chapter 3


The ride to school was the same it always was - totally and completely tedious. The glamor of the Regalia High limousines were just a facade. That's how it's always been and how it always will be. They use glitz and glamor to distract people from how pretentious and stuck up they really are. I hated everything about it but because it was one of the best (if not the best) schools on the continent, I had no choice but to attend this luxurious nightmare if I ever wanted to be ready for the responsibilities of running a species.

"So, tell me why have you been rubbing that spot on your neck all morning?" Maddie's words catch me off guard and for the first time, I realize how raw I've rubbed my skin, the spot where Lucas marked me in my dream.

I immediately stop rubbing it, "No reason, I think something bit me in my sleep so it's been bothering me all morning, that's all" I look away, knowing that she would never believe my lie. Maddison has been my best friend since before I could walk so she knew me better than I knew myself.

"Yeah sure okay, let's pretend like you haven't had this whole deer-caught-in-headlights look going on since you sat down."

Yeah... busted

"Really, Mads it's nothing important really, just..." I sigh knowing that I had to tell her the truth but deciding against telling her all of it. "I was walking through the park and I thought about my father, about everything he told me just before he died."

Her face softens and I can tell that she doesn't completely believe me but she'll accept my answer... for now. "Your father was a great man, heck he was like a second dad to me. I loved him too and I miss him every day. He'd be so proud of you." She leans over and squeezes me so tight I have a hard time breathing for a split second before she lets me go.

I spot a tear drop onto my skirt and for the first time notice that I've been crying silent tears. I laugh slightly and look up while waving my face," Damn bitch you're gonna make my mascara run." We both laugh but it's just a cover-up. Maddie was like a second daughter to my father which meant that his death hit her just as hard as it had hit me.

Sure, it doesn't hurt as much as it used to and these days I'd rather smile at the memories than cry about the fact that I won't be able to make more but there are days when I'm reminded of what I had lost that day in the "accident"...

"Anyway back to the topic on hand. What are you going to do about your royal proposal?." I make sure to put as much emphasis on the last part, knowing it would make her mad.

That's what she gets for yelling at me so early in the goddamn morning.

She blows one of her orange locks out of her face and I grab a strand of mine. Sometimes I'm jealous of how voluminous her hair is, and I'm especially jealous of its vibrant color. When she gets mad she kind of reminds me of a phoenix with the way her flaming hair matches her personality. "I don't know honestly. You know dear ol' mummy would want this marriage to happen as soon as possible." she rolls her eyes at the mention of her biological mother and honestly, who could blame her. Queen Ophelia might have been just a princess when she gave birth to Maddie but that didn't give her an excuse to be totally AWOL for almost 18 years. The worst part was how controlling she could get at times. You would think being absent from your daughter's life for that long wouldn't give you the right to practically run her life but then again you obviously haven't met the woman. She's basically the more beautiful, sickeningly sweet version of Hitler. If Hitler wore $20 000 shoes and a gown that could probably hide two people underneath the skirt.

"Well at the end of the day it's your decision so what is your heart telling you, Mads?"

Ah yes, matters of the heart are so complicated. The question seems so easy yet it couldn't be more difficult.

Trust me I'd know...

"my heart... My heart is currently on hiatus."

I roll my eyes at her. Maddie's heart has been on "hiatus" for almost 4 years now ever since Stephan Prince humiliated her in front of half of her old school.

To say that she was glad to have an excuse to transfer somewhere else was an understatement. Ever since then Maddie hasn't had the guts to commit to a serious relationship, heck, she hasn't even had any kind of relationship at all and I understand where she's coming from but seriously it's been 4 years, it's time for her to grow a pair.

"Look, Mads, I know you've been hurt but seriously it's been 4 years. Don't you think it's time to move on?" I can tell the memories of what Stephan did still affect her.

I guess it's time for some bestie tinkering...


The drive took forever but we finally arrive at school. At first glance Regalia High looks like a normal school... that is if you ignore the four-story buildings, assortment of million dollar cars, and put on shades to block out the glare from the solid gold sign with Regalia High written in shiny letters just above the school's entrance.

Yeah totally normal...

*ring* *ring*

I pick up the phone without looking at the caller ID "Hello?"

" 'Ello love, how are you?"

I immediately regret not looking at the caller ID. I'd know that stuck-up fake British accent anywhere because I've been trying to avoid it for months. See, Maddie isn't the only one with betrothal issues. When I was 5 years old my mother made an alliance with a powerful bordering pack to have their heir marry me when we were both of age. Their heir happens to be the biggest snob (after Adam) at Regalia High.

"what do you want, Henry I'm kind of just getting off the school bus so I'm not even in the building yet. Can't you at least wait until a girl starts her miserable school day before bothering her?"

I'm so annoyed by the phone call that I don't even notice the person in front of me until I walk right into them." Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry! I wasn't paying attention."

The person laughs and this catches my attention. My ears perk up and I immediately recognize that husky chuckle. Oh no, why him? Why of all the guys at Regalia High did I have to bulldoze into him at 8 in the morning.

"It's no problem, Tiger Lily. Just make sure to pay attention next time." Lucas responds with a genuine smile that nearly melts my heart. It was a good thing I was already on the ground or my legs would've given out already.

He gives me his hand and I take it, hoping to god that my hands aren't sweaty. He helps me up and when I look into his eyes I can't help but be completely mesmerized by the flecks of gold in the sea of green. For a moment he doesn't say anything and just looks at me like he truly sees me for me. A look I'm sure mirrors my own.

That moment could've lasted forever and would've but just then I happen to notice the scrawny idiot waving at me from a few feet away. He starts walking towards us and I think Lucas notices because he lets go of my hand so quickly you could've sworn I'd burned him.

I sigh. "what do you want, Henry?" I look at my future husband from top to bottom.

This is the next werewolf king, seriously?

He's quite tall, I'll give him that but he has almost no muscle on him and still has to audacity to walk around like he owns the place. Some girls might like the neatly kept blonde hair and brown eyes coupled with the nerdy but arrogant air he gives off but he just doesn't do it for me.

What was my mother thinking arranging my marriage? And when I was 5 years old at that!

He and I have nothing in common besides the fact that we share a life-altering secret. He and I are both werewolves. Well, at least he is...

I was born with what some might call a gift but what I consider a curse. I'm a tribrid or at least I will be in 4 months when I shift into my wolf for the first time.

When I was younger a very powerful witch lived in our pack and told my parents what I was and they feared for my life so they had the witch lock away my magic and my vampire side for good. My parents moved to a human city and disguised their scents so I grew up not knowing what I was for almost half my life and it would've stayed that way if it hadn't been for my father's death.

The loss and pain I felt on that day were so strong it triggered my magic and broke the enchantment the witch put on me. To say that that year was a tough one would be an understatement. My mother and I went back to the pack and she resumed her role as Luna but without her mate by her side it was tough for a while.

I began training to become the next werewolf queen, being the only heir of the royal bloodline. I trained for hours trying to master my magic and spent weeks at a time with vampires trying to control my insatiable appetite. I became stronger, faster and eventually, I was one of the most skilled fighters in the pack.

I'm just waiting until my 18th birthday for all the pieces to fall into place. I'll be able to turn into my wolf at will and I'll be able to find what all werewolves live for.

I'll be able to find my mate...


* Click *

I jump slightly, startled by Henry's annoying habit of always wanting everyone's undivided attention. I'm so glad we're not on pack territory or I would've had him thrown into the pack cells by now.

Well, technically I can't since he's an alpha but it's nice to dream.

I sigh with a little more overdramatic flair than usual. "yes Henry?" I look at him expectantly but he doesn't say anything. Instead, he nods his head towards the school building and motions for me to follow him. I can't help but sigh again.

"Okay guys, I'll have to talk to you later." as I face both Maddie and Lucas, I see the glint of mischief in Maddie's eyes.

"oh, don't worry about it, sweetheart. Luc and I will just walk together and talk." she takes his arm and starts walking away. "Luke did you know that Leia over there is such a talented..."

"Hey hey hey!" I cut her off before she can expose any of my deepest darkest secrets. Okay, it's true that my deepest darkest secret (aka me being a tribrid) is the one secret Maddie doesn't know about but still, the girl has more dirt on me than a tree-planting ceremony so I'd rather not risk her telling him something I'd rather she'd kept to herself.

"Maddie, I think I see Adam coming, over there!" I'm not sure how I knew but sure enough, the devil himself stepped out of his brand new car. One way to flex your money is to show up with a new "brand new" car every week but obviously, after a while, it gets old, and considering the fact that this is a school filled with the rich and pretentious, no one really cared about Adam and his new toys.

Maddie's eyes widen and zip around trying to find an escape. "Holy shit, I need to get out of here. I'll catch you guys later!" are the last words we hear before Maddie takes off running in 3-inch stilettos, running as fast as her jewel-encrusted pumps could carry her.

Lucas and I both start laughing at the sight of a stiletto-wearing, fiery-haired pixie running from a lovestruck puppy. The icing however was when Maddie took a shortcut through some rose bushes and I heard her yelp. It was honestly the funniest and most ironic thing I'd ever seen.

Tears are running down my cheeks by the time both of us stop wheezing from our laugh fits. "Damn, my mascara is running again. This is the last time I forget to buy waterproof." I'm still giggling slightly when I notice Lucas looking at me again. He suddenly raises his hand to my cheek and wipes off the running makeup with a tissue I, even with my heightened senses, at this moment failed to notice.

He concentrates on wiping off the makeup so I look up at him.

Big mistake

Just as my eyes look up to his face I notice his tongue stick out to wet his lips. I immediately look away but start blushing slightly. The ever-observant Lucas obviously notices and chuckles slightly. "There we go princess, all good. Although you should consider wearing makeup less. It might highlight your natural beauty." before I can even think of a response he's gone, walking with his friends towards the school.

That's when I remember Henry waiting for me inside the school."Oh shit" I mumble under my breath and roll my eyes. His royal annoyance won't like me being late.

I turn towards the building and surprise surprise, I was right. Henry is standing by the entrance, looking like a disappointed parent who's about to see his kid for the first time after getting an email from the school about the child's poor grades. I roll my eyes again and start walking towards him but just then he turns towards the parking lot and whispers for me to follow him. If it were anyone else they wouldn't have been able to hear even if it were dead silent but Henry, obviously knowing about my heightened senses, knew I'd be able to hear him even with the distance between us.

We walk towards the parking lot together once I've caught up to him. We walk in silence and climb into his car which just so happens to be soundproof with windows so dark even supernaturals couldn't see through them.

"so, Henry, what's so urgent?" I turn to him and his expression is one I've seen on him many many times. It's basically a smug look that says I've got news from your mother and you're not gonna like it.

Ever since my father's death, my mother and I haven't been that close. She lives in the human city with me for 3 months out of the year but the rest of the time she spends back at the pack running the show. She had to leave this morning right after I left so I'm surprised Henry knew something so soon.

He sighs dramatically.

Yup, I definitely won't like this.

"Well like you know we're to return to our packs in 3 years time when we both turn 21." I nod already knowing this. I was looking forward to enjoying the next 3 years of my life since it would be my last 3 free years on this earth before returning to the Blood moon pack." As it turns out your mother, the queen, has decided that it would be better if we returned by the end of the semester in 6 weeks."