Chapter 5


I expect Lucas to move, knowing he's not the kind of guy to start a fight but then he surprises everyone, especially Henry." Look dude, I don't know who you think you are to mess with Lia like you did this morning but if you were smart you'd take your snobbish ass to the front of the class and sit the hell down before I sit you down myself and trust me when I say you won't like me doing that. " Henry's eyes are wider than saucers and stay that way the entire walk towards the open seat at the front of the class. The entire class is staring at us, or should I say at me, the girl who caused the peacekeeper to snap.

I smile slightly, not really knowing what to do, "you didn't have to do that, you know. I could've handled it myself."

Lucas laughs and nods his head towards Henry, "Don't worry about it and FYI, judging by the black eye I'm sure you're responsible for, I know you can handle yourself. I just didn't want you to always have to handle everything by yourself." he shrugs and sits down like his words meant nothing.

"Alright, class open your books to chapter 17 page 367. I want you to summarize the first 4 headings and when you're done with that we'll continue with the lesson if there's time."

I lean over and whisper to Lucas, "that basically means she's too lazy to teach today and will just tell us to keep summarizing till the end of the lesson." Lucas laughs that husky laugh of his.

Lord take me now...

"Yeah, I can tell by the shoes" Lucas points out and I notice that if you looked closely you'd see that Ms. Johnson is actually wearing slippers in class. And I don't mean the type Cinderella lost at the ball, I mean genuine fluffy bunny slippers. It takes everything in me not to burst out laughing.

"You wanna get out of here?" Lucas whispers in my ear. I think about it but only for a second because honestly, what's there to think about?

"Oh, Lucas and Lia, can you two come here? I need you to hand out these papers." Ms. Johnson points to a pack of papers on her desk.

"I guess we won't be getting out of here." I stand up and walk towards the front. "and FYI, my answer would've been yes." Lucas gives me a lopsided smile and it sends my stomach on a roller-coaster ride. We hand out what turns out to be our term assignments that also says who we'll be stuck with for the rest of the year as our partner.

I've always hated that because a) I might get stuck with an idiot for the entire school year and b) I might get stuck with Henry for the entire school year.

I look down at my assignment sheet and almost walk into the table in front of me. "My partner for the Lucas?"

I look towards him and he's already smiling at me and I can't help but smile back. The only thing more satisfying than Luc's smile was the look on Henry's face when he realized who I'm partnered up with. Maddie looks at me with a look of dread and dismay and it's then that I realize that she's the unlucky soul to be partnered with Henry. Poor guy, she won't make it easy on him I can guarantee it. "So should we maybe talk about the project?"

I look into the eyes of probably the most handsome boy in the world. "Yeah, we should. Maybe we should hear a bit more about the project from the teacher and then we can talk about it some more." I can't believe how smooth my voice is considering the fact that my heart is beating at jackhammer speed.

"This term you will be researching and presenting one of the topics on the list on the papers I've handed out to you. You and your partner will have to do in-depth research about everything regarding your chosen topic and come up with multiple hypotheses about the impact it could have on future generations. You're now free to sit next to your partner and discuss. If you have questions feel free to ask me."

The intercom suddenly goes on and our principal's voice blares through the speakers. "Good morning students I hope all is well on this incredibly cheery Monday..."

I honestly can't tell if she's being sarcastic or if she's just on crack.

"As you all know the school usually organizes an event to kick-start the new school year and this year in honor of the release of the award-winning movie 'Masked lovers', the school has decided on a masquerade ball next week Friday."

So I was right, she's definitely on drugs.

"There are rules to the game that will be played, you're not allowed to bring a date and no one should know who you are. It will be a chance for the students to learn more about themselves and the ones around them in a safe space. Thank you for listening and have a great day."

The intercom's red light goes off and signals the end of the message.

I think about this for a sec. A masquerade ball could be a lot of fun and seeing as I don't really have much time left here I might as well enjoy every second.

The bell rings and it's off to the next class. "Hey, Lia, I'll text you and we can talk about when we should get together about the project."


By the time lunch rolls around, my brain feels like it's reached its max capacity. I swear if I try to cram any more knowledge in my head I might forget my own name. I stand in line, waiting to pick up my tray of food. Because of the fact that we pay an insane amount of money to the school, we don't have to pay for lunch. "Hey Lia, what's up?" Princess Camille, also known as the infamous Cammie, comes to stand behind me. She reaches over for a water and her strawberry blonde ringlet curls bounce around her heart-shaped face, emphasizing her striking green eyes.

" Hey Cammie, haven't seen you in a while, where have you been?" I raise my brow suggestively. Cammie is one of the only other werewolves in the school and just a few weeks ago she turned 18 and found her mate. Not only is she one of the few werewolves living amongst humans, but she's also the next beta of my pack so ever since I found out about who I am, we've become really close.

She smirks and her eyes dart around, trying to figure out if anyone could be listening, "Well, I told him who and what I am and after a bit of shock and some time to process, he's accepted me." she smiles wider than I've seen in probably years. Her mate is a few years older than her but I've met him and I can honestly say that Dillon is just as childish as any guy our age but in a cute, roguishly handsome way.

" I'm so happy for you" I hug her and she returns it. She smiles at me sadly and I can practically read her thoughts. She's thinking about my engagement to Henry and how I might never find my mate because of this stupid alliance.

"Don't look now but I think Luc is staring at you." I shush her and turn around slightly, catching his gaze. I give him a small smile which he returns before he looks away. I could almost swear he was blushing when he did. "Oh my god, he totally likes you. I can see it on his face!" She gasps dramatically and lowers her voice like she's about to tell me a life-changing secret or classified government information that could destroy the planet, "What if he's your mate?!" she whisper yells into my ear. I shush her again and this time it's my eyes darting around, trying to figure out if there were any werewolves around who could've heard her.

"Camille, he's a human and I know it's possible for a werewolf to be mated to a human but even if he were my mate, it wouldn't matter, I'm engaged and there's nothing I can do about it. Besides look at him." I glance at Lucas and catch his eye once again. He looks away like he'd been caught doing something wrong and this time I'm sure I saw him blush. I sigh," A guy like that would never be mated to me, the moon goddess isn't that kind."

Camille looks around startled, like she's waiting for the moon goddess to strike me down just for saying that. I roll my eyes at her, "Relax, Cammie, I doubt the moon goddess has time in her schedule to obliterate everyone who insults her."

We grab our trays and walk towards Maddie who looks even worse than she did this morning, minus the tree branches of course. "Hey, Maddie, you okay?" Camille asks softly, knowing full well how intense Maddie's anger could get when pushed over her limit.

The only response we get is an exasperated sigh, Maddie looks at us with a mixture of regret and frustration. "Come on, Mads, what's wrong? I haven't seen you this upset since they cast Johnathan White instead of Rick Leigh in that new series Forever lover."

"Yeah, that was very upsetting but this time it's worse!" she throws up her hands in defeat and anger. Now I'm really worried about her. What could be worse than that?

"I'm dealing with a code pink and I have no idea what to do!" Oh, dear moon goddess, no. Not a code pink. I mentally facepalm as I remember this morning's conversation.

"Um, what's a code pink again?" Cammie looks at us with so much confusion, it would've been cute if the circumstances weren't this horrid.

"Code pink, aka a mix of red and white, means that there's a boy involved and somehow, I'm guessing her mother is responsible." I look at Maddie who nods, confirming my suspicions.

"So tell us, who's the boy and what's the old bat got to do with anything?" Subtlety has never been Cammie's strong suit.

"Well to catch you up to speed, Adam showed up at my house this morning, asking my mom's blessing because he wanted to propose to me, and then -"

"And then she jumped out the window." I finish for her. Cammie's eyes widen and she bursts out laughing.

"You did what?" she gets out between fits of laughter.

"Shush and yes I did, only because I wanted to avoid him." Maddie lowers her head to the table and sighs. "but unfortunately it wasn't enough. Just before lunch, I got a call from my mother, telling me about Adam and how amazing he is and how she gave him her blessing. She then went into a whole speech and by the end made it clear to me that I had no choice in the matter and that I had to get married to him. Of course, I didn't take this well so I snapped and yelled at her that missing for 17 years strips away her right to tell me what I can and cannot do and then I hung up on her."

All Cammie and I can do is stare. I knew Maddie didn't have a healthy relationship with her mother but I never knew how close she was to cracking.

Cammie slides to her side of the table and I follow suit as we both envelope her in a big hug." It's okay love, we both know she can't force you into this."

"Yeah the old bat has no say and besides you're 17. It's not even legal for you two to get married yet"

"Cammie's got a point. The engagement would be at least a year and I'm not sure you'll be able to go that long without trying to kill him." This earns a mischievous glance from both of them.

"If I wanted to kill him, I wouldn't " try" to kill him because I know I'd be successful the first time around." She smiles way too sweetly to be considered real.

I raise my brow," Oh, and why is that?"

Another mischievous glance," Because I have two amazing best friends who'd gladly help me get rid of the body." We all burst out laughing and hug one more time before the bell rings. I have a separate class from them which is on the other side of the building so I quickly get up and start walking in the direction of AP Calculus.

I walk past the lockers and round the corner towards the steps but stop short as a blinding pain erupts in my side. It hits me like a cement truck and knocks the air clean out of me. I whimper and sink to the ground hoping, praying for it to be over soon.

Maybe this was a delayed punishment for insulting a goddess

Lucas must've been close by because he rounds the corner a second later and sees me on the ground, whimpering and sweating through my shirt. "Fuck, Lia, are you okay?" I can't say anything. The pain, it's too much.

"Stay with me Tiger Lily, it's all going to be okay." Lucas crouches down and puts his hands on my shoulders. His touch sends a shock wave through me and as quickly as the pain started, it disappears. I gasp, finally being able to breathe with the pain already fading from memory." Lia, say something! Tell me you're okay."

I don't think twice before throwing myself into his arms and enveloping him in a hug. His shock lasts a single moment before he hugs me back. His scent hits me like a wave, fresh and clean but masculine like the forest after a storm. I'm still in his arms, blissfully enjoying his scent when I finally snap out of it and realize what I've done.

I just hugged my crush and he hugged me back. Sure, we've hugged before but it was always those casual side hugs that barely lasted 2 seconds, not this. His face was buried in my curls and his arms were wrapped tightly around my waist as if he was scared of letting go.

I go stiff in his arms and he immediately senses it but doesn't let go like I was expecting him to, "Is something wrong, are you still hurt?" His concern makes me melt and relax in his arms a moment longer before we both let go and stand up. We start walking in the direction of our next class when a thought struck me. I was in so much pain, yet his touch was enough to make it disappear completely. Never had I heard of anything like that happening to any of the wolves I know.

Something isn't adding up and as soon as I get home I'll have to check into it. "So, how about after school?"

"Huh, what?" I glance at Luc with a confused expression.

He laughs that adorably sexy laugh of his. "How about you come over this afternoon and we start working on that project?"

I smile, feeling kind of silly, "Yeah this afternoon sounds great."

Guess my research will have to wait.