Chapter 7


He did not just ask me that, did he? I wait for him to burst out laughing or something but he doesn't. He just looks at me with a shy smile and that adorable sparkle in his eyes. "Yes, I'd love to."

His smile goes from shy to beaming in a matter of seconds and I can't help but return it. "Great so I'll pick you up tomorrow night around 6 since the ball starts at 7 so we can get a bite before. Does that work for you?"

Does that work for me?

My all-time crush just asked me for dinner and a dance and he's asking if that works for me? "Yeah, that works." I smile and give a little wave before practically sprinting around the house to my car.

Thanks to my heightened senses I can hear his mom saying, "Took you long enough. I thought you were never going to ask that girl out."


I drive home and sprint up the stairs trying to figure out if I have anything to wear for tomorrow. Just as I reach my door my phone goes off and Maddie's face lights up on the screen, "Hey Mads, yes, I know about the ball being moved, and yes I agree we should go shopping right away." I cut her off before she even has a chance to speak. I hear her chuckle at the other end of the line.

"You know me so well. Meet me at Areiala's in let's say 20 minutes and we can pick out some kick-ass dresses." I agree and hang up the phone. Areiala's is this amazing boutique run by world-famous designer Areiala Rihanno, who just happens to be one of our close friends. She was a student at Regalia High but dropped out when her parents tried to rule her life for her (there's a lot of that going around it seems) and she made a name for herself in the fashion industry, earning the respect of all those who looked down on her.


20 minutes later I park in front of Areiala's and see Maddie already inside having an argument with Ari. I walk along the red carpet out front and can hear their argument from outside.

"Maddie, listen to me. With your body shape and eyes, you should be wearing this!" Ari points to a shimmering black mermaid-style dress with a sweetheart neckline. I agree the dress would make Maddie look incredible.

Maddie grunts in frustration, "No, Ari, this dress would be perfect." Maddie holds up a deep red dress with a flaring skirt and deep neckline. That would look great on her too.

The two continue to argue as I walk in, not noticing me at all. I walk through the aisles and pick out a gorgeous shimmering black and crimson dress with a sweetheart neckline and a small train. I walk towards the bickering due and hold out the dress, "Here's a crazy idea, how about this?" they both look at the dress and gasp.

"It's perfect, Lia." Maddie takes the dress.

"Yeah, it is perfect. I can't believe I didn't think of that. " Ari rushes after Maddie who's already halfway to the dressing rooms. I chuckle and hear Ari shout from behind the door, "I'll be right out to help you, Lia."


The rest of the afternoon consists of Maddie trying to find shoes and me trying to find a dress I feel is absolutely perfect. After dress number 7 I'm starting to feel a bit discouraged.

I spot a glint out of the corner of my eye and move towards it to the back of the boutique where I find the most beautiful dress. I can tell it's from Ari's newest collection because it's not even on the shelves yet. The dress is an almost impossible shade of blue, almost the same as my eyes, with a flowing skirt and slight train. What gives this dress its glow is the silver detailing and crystal embroidery that catches the light at just the right angle to sparkle. I have no idea why this dress plucks one of my heartstrings but it does and I can't help but feel like this is the perfect dress. "This is the one." Ari and Maddie are behind me and Maddie gasps while Ari smiles.

"Yes, I agree and you're in luck, I have the perfect shoes and mask to match." She rings up everything from the dresses to the shoes and masks and let's not forget the accessories. "So I heard you guys are allowed to bring dates now, so who are the lucky guys? "

"Well I don't have a date so maybe I'll pick up some hot guy I didn't notice till now and I know for a fact Lia doesn't have a date because she would've told me by now, isn't that right, Lia?" Maddie gives me a pointed look.

I blush a deep pink, "Well actually..." I trail off, not knowing how to tell her.

Both gasp and look shook, "Well, spill." They say in unison.

I take a deep breath, "I was over at Luc's house and he kind of asked me to be his date." I breathe out slowly. They blink at me for a second and erupt into squeals and giggles.

"Why the heck didn't you tell me?" Maddie questions with a slight look of hurt in her eyes.

"Mads, it literally happened like 10 minutes before you called me this afternoon. I didn't have time to tell you on the call and when we got here we were so focused on finding the perfect dresses that it totally slipped my mind." Okay, that wasn't a complete lie, I was focused on finding the perfect dress but truthfully Luc was never far from thought.

Maddie rolls her eyes at me," Yeah, okay but after tomorrow night I want details."

We take our shopping bags back to our cars and drive to my place to try on everything we bought because of course, being the divas we are, we obviously bought way more than just a dress.