Chapter 14


Lucas smiles at me wider than I've ever seen him smile before, "Does your body feel better?" I raise my brow and give him a suspicious look. That's an odd thing to say right now. I nod my head yes and he smiles at me mischievously, "Just wanted to make sure."

The next thing I know Lucas grabs my waist and spins me around the room. I can't help but laugh and squeal at him to put me down but instead he holds me up and wraps my legs around his waist. My face is flushed and a blush creeps up my cheeks although I'm not sure if it's from the spinning, the laughing, or our current position. He gazes into my eyes with such an intense look, I have to look away. "Lia, I've told you before that I'm head over heels in love with you and you being a witch doesn't change that, in fact, I'm more in love because you trusted me with your secret. I'm so happy to be your mate and I'm glad the goddess decided to pair the two of us. Never look away from me, Lia, and never shy away because you have no reason to. You're mine and I'm yours." I'm in tears by the time he finishes. I knew he loved me but... wow.

He wipes away my tears with the pad of his thumb and smiles at me sweetly. I smile and look anywhere but at him. A sudden idea pops into my head and I know exactly how to make it up to him. "Luc, why don't we go outside for a bit, I want to see how bad the damage is." I expect him to put me down and let me walk on my own but instead, he throws me over his shoulder and starts running through the hallways and down the stairs. I giggle and scream when he jumps down the last 3 steps," Lucas! You're going to drop me! PUT ME DOWN!" I hear him laughing before I feel a sudden sting.

The bitch just spanked me!

"Luc what the hell?" a blush starts creeping up my cheeks and I'm so glad he can't see my embarrassment.

"Relax princess I'd never drop you." he laughs and continues to walk through the house while I stay silent.

Princess... If only he knew

We walk through the back door and I let out a sigh of relief when I notice the barrier is still in place. If people knew what happened today they'd probably call the child protection services and have me placed in foster. My relief however is short-lived when I see the extent of the damage. The house, instead of its pristine white, is now covered in dust and charred black while half the garden is either missing or on fire. What shocks me are the flames through.

The fire is purple!

Why is the fire purple?

Fire shouldn't be purple!

"Any idea Raeya?" she merely shakes her huge wolf head and I can feel her studying the flames. "makes no sense to me either." I'm not sure how this is possible. I passed out hours ago so not only should the fires have gone out, the barriers should've failed as well. The flames definitely shouldn't be purple either! "Will you let that go" she rolls her eyes at me and I roll them right back at her before shutting her out. I shut my eyes and test my magic, trying to feel its power. I'll never admit this to anyone but just shutting that alarm off took a lot out of me. I try to concentrate on growing a few flowers in front of me. I feel the magic flow through my veins but it feels different, more powerful. I hear Lucas gasp and I open my eyes only for them to go wide at the sight in front of me.

I tried growing a flower but instead, standing in front of me now is the biggest cherry blossom tree I've ever seen in my life. What is happening to me? I've always been powerful but I've never been this powerful. I kneel down in the blackened grass and stick my hands in the soil. More magic flows through my veins and out my fingertips, feeding the earth below. I keep my eyes open this time and I'm glad I do. Golden magic flows out of me and erupts around me, bringing the grass and plants back to life and when I look towards the house I'm shocked to see it in perfect condition as if what happened was nothing but a long-forgotten dream. The gold magic reminds me of a powerful witch I saw in a movie once.

I try getting up but sway lightly and Lucas is instantly by my side, "Woah there tiger, maybe you should slow down. You just woke up and you're exhausting yourself." I smile at his concern for me and point towards the surprise I snuck in while undoing the destruction. There, at the edge of the woods by the river, I had created a picnic area for us. The area was surrounded by tall trees planted in a half-circle. The actual spot was a slightly raised platform of soft grass, soft enough to fall asleep on with a picnic basket right next to it. "Lia, you didn't have to do that, you have to rest."

"Mate is so sweet." Raeya swoons and I will admit I may have swooned too. His eyes hold nothing but concern and love for me, "Luc, I missed our date. The least I can do is make it up to you. Besides I have to practice my magic more," especially since it seems to be getting stronger.

I lead him over and we sit down on the grass bed. Well, he sits down, I flop down and spread myself out like a cat midstretch. My mother always said she thought I'd be a werecat by the way I'm always stretching and my obsession with fish and milk. I lift my fingers and the food floats out of the basket. An assortment of little foods come before us, little sandwiches, quiche, sweets, cookies, cakes, chips, and tarts. Lucas goes to take one of the sandwiches. I smile mischievously and pull it away last minute. He looks at me while a sly smile, "Lia, I'm hungry so either give me the food or I'll make you give it to me." that smile says a thousand words and instantly my mind starts reeling but I don't show it. I remain my annoying self.

"Oh, and how will you do tha- " he's on top of me a second later. I gasp at his speed, almost dropping the food completely. "Luc, what are you doing?" I say slightly flustered at how close his face is to mine.

He comes even closer and nips at my ear before whispering lowly, "I warned you." I almost think he's going to kiss me. His lips brush mine just slightly and I close my eyes, waiting for his lips to touch mine.

Instead, he clutches my sides and starts mercilessly tickling me. My eyes shoot open and I start laughing and gasping," Luc- please I can't breathe" he starts laughing along with me and keeps tickling me.

"Say you're sorry" he laughs out, "Say that Lucas is the tickle king!" He's laughing just as much as I am and I can't breathe anymore. My sides are killing me and I'm out of breath from all the laughing.

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry Lucas is the tickle king! Now get off me!" he finally gets off me but pulls me along with him, settling me on his lap. I pout and look away from him. He chuckles and pulls me closer, "Awe, I'm sorry baby but it had to be done." my heart skips a beat at him calling me baby and I start blushing. Suddenly the perfect revenge plan comes to mind. Instead of looking back at him, I start sniffling, pretending to cry. I hear his heartbeat pick up and smile slyly, making sure he doesn't see me. "Lia, I'm sorry please don't cry." He starts begging but I ignore him and get off his lap, walking over to the river bank. He follows me quickly, "Baby please talk to me." I sit down by the river's edge, being careful to stay out of the water because, as I learned this morning, Raeya loves the water and will probably take over and shift into wolf form. Just as he reaches me and tries to touch my shoulders I reach behind me and, using my werewolf strength, toss him into the river.

He breaks through the surface seconds later, the shocked look on his face making me double over laughing. I compose myself and give him a sly, challenging look, "See, here's the thing, Luc, I'm a goddess so I don't bow down to kings." at that I start walking away, leaving him there, shocked and soaked. You shouldn't have done that, mate is so sweet and you went and toss him in the water. The least you could've done was jump in with him." I imagine her wolfy grin at the thought of being in the water with our mate. I'm so distracted by her that I don't notice Lucas behind me until it's too late.

" Now where do you think you're going princess?" he whispers in my ear before tossing me over his shoulder and throwing us both in the water. I gasp and break through the surface seconds later, right before he does too. Guess Raeya is getting her wish after all. He pulls me closer before I have a chance to speak and kisses me softly. "I may be a king but I will always bow down to you" I look into his eyes and see that he's no longer looking at me. His eyes rake over my body and I swear I saw them darken by a few shades. He pulls me impossibly closer and the water splashes all around us. The contact sends sparks exploding through me and Raeya howls in happiness. Just before his lips touch mine, Raeya takes control and I force Lucas away from me. I feel my bones cracking and snapping in and out of place, the burning sensation overtaking me. I can vaguely hear Lucas shouting my name but it's like being underwater, all sounds are muffled as I'm pushed back in my own mind.

I watch Lucas through Raeya's eyes and he looks nothing short of terrified, not that I blame him. Raeya is huge, bigger than most pureblood alphas standing at 6ft while most alpha wolves are 5 ft 5. Her fur is pure white while her eyes are a striking blue and gold, a combination no one has ever seen before. Lucas backs away slowly and Raeya whines. "Mate is scared of us." I roll my eyes at her "Of course he's scared, I just told him I'm a witch and now you went and shifted in front of him, don't you think the poor guy has been through enough."

His expression changes from scared, to realization to hurt. "Just a witch, huh?" Lucas gets out of the water and starts walking back, away from me. Raeya and I want to follow him so badly but we both realize it would just make things worse. I lied to him and he needs time to come to terms with everything.

"I just hope mate doesn't reject us." the thought sends a chill down my spine. "I hope so too Raeya."