Chapter 16


My eyes are wide as I stare into the blood-red eyes looking back into mine.


I rub my eyes hoping that I'm just imagining things. I know I'm not though, the scent tells me he's real and the look on Luc's face tells me I've got some explaining to do... again. Jackson gives me his signature panty-dropping smile, the one that shows off his adorable dimples. I used to melt at the sight of that smile, a part of me still does. "So... are you just going to stand there or are you going to come over and give me a hug?" he holds out his arms and I start moving towards him, just like I always would when suddenly Luc grabs my arm and pulls me into him. I hear a low, almost threatening sound coming from him. Raeya swoons while I just stand there, confused as heck. I give him a questioning look but he ignores me and keeps his glare on Jackson, who's just looking at us with an amused glint in his eyes. "I see you found your mate. Congratulations, Amelia." he pauses for a moment and seems to be in thought, "but wait, don't you only turn 18 in three months?"

I give him a sheepish smile and wiggle out of Luc's arms which is, by no means, an easy task. "Yes, technically I'm only 18 in three months but I guess I'm a special case." Jackson knows what I am, he was the first person I told and the last person I trusted. He gives me a knowing look and leans against the wall, his black denim-clad legs stretch out in front of him while he takes off his dark leather jacket to reveal just a plain black t-shirt covering his impressive physique. His muscles stretch out the fabric, the same muscles I used to drool over and imagined cuddling with for hours. Looking at him now, he's still handsome I won't deny that. The definition of tall, dark and handsome, not to mention strong and talented. Jackson was everything I ever wanted in a mate but now I can't see myself with anyone besides Luc, although a small part of me still remembers everything that happened between Jackson and I, everything he taught me, and how he set me free.

"Wait, he knows what you are?" Luc's voice snaps me out of it. I look back at him and he looks confused... and mad. Jackson gives another one of those award-winning smiles. I wrap my arms around Luc again and kiss his cheek softly, letting my lips linger. He relaxes slightly but holds me closer regardless.

"Yes, Jackson knows what I am but only because he's a supernatural too." I open a link with Jackson and he gives me permission to tell Luc what he is. At the same time, I tell Jackson about how Luc doesn't know about the third side of me, my vampire. "Jackson is a vampire and he was one of my best friends back home before I had to leave again to come back here. Remember all those times I'd go missing for weeks on end? Well, that's when I was back home, learning how to control my powers and how to one day rule the kingdom." Jackson nods his head in conformation and Luc takes a minute to process everything, holding me impossibly tighter in his arms. He seems satisfied by my answer after a moment but I can tell he's still wary of Jackson by the way he keeps sending him not-so-subtle death glares, which is ironic since Jackson is technically already dead.


After convincing Lucas that Jackson isn't a threat and promising to meet him later tonight for a dinner date, Jackson and I decided to grab some lunch at Danny's Diner. I stare at the menu in front of me although my eyes are far from focused. Ever since I realized that Lucas is my mate I've been trying to figure out how to break the news to my mother. I wouldn't be surprised if she knew already but if she did it wasn't from anyone that was there. Every single wolf there swore their secrecy and I know that none of them would go against their word, most out of respect for their future queen, some out of fear of my power. "Lia, I think you should tell him." my eyes snap to his and go wide. I know exactly what he's talking about. He wants me to tell Lucas I'm a tribrid, the tribrid. I give him a look from the other side of the table before looking around at anything besides his piercing gaze. This place has looked exactly the same since the beginning of time probably. Cracked red leather booths and dark wooden tables with white and red walls, the paint chipped and peeling.

Finally, I focus back on him before taking a sip of my coffee-flavored milkshake, "I know, Jack, trust me I do. I just want the moment to be right and I want to prepare him for it." I look over the menu again and decide, to heck with it. My voice dips so only he can hear me, "Want to get out of here and go feed? The forest behind my house has a hell lot of deer just waltzing around, ripe for the picking." I could see his eyes darken at the mention of feeding, even behind the dark sunglasses he wore to hide the ruby glow of his eyes. He didn't have to be asked twice. We both get up and even though we didn't order anything besides the milkshakes I leave a generous tip for our waitress because, why not? She was patient with us when she could've been serving other people. We both speed off to my house, using our vampire speed to go almost completely undetected.

When we get to my house it was empty, as usual. Luc's scent is everywhere but I'm guessing it's because he was here after what happened with Jackson. We came over and hung out a bit before he left to go home and I left for Danny's.

Jackson and I walk through the forest slowly, neither of us in any rush. Our footsteps are light and soundless as we step over fallen trees and duck under branches. We spot an entire herd close to the lake. We give each other a short nod, a smirk on both of our faces as I feel my inner vampire coming out, my fangs elongate and my eyes turn the color of blood as I scout the herd, trying to find my perfect prey. Jackson and I leap out at the same time and attack the deer faster than the animals could process what was happening. I kill the deer with my claws, not wanting to prolong its death. I may be part bloodsucker but I'm not that cruel. I start feasting on its blood while Jackson tears the other deer apart with his teeth drinking its blood and tasting its raw flesh. The metallic taste of blood is sweet on my tongue as I remember the times we used to go hunting back in the clan. Vampires don't feed on humans anymore, they haven't for generations, although you obviously get your occasional rogue vampire but they rarely live long enough to cause any real harm. Jackson would teach me how to sneak up on animals and how to be strategic and smart when hunting, how to control my bloodlust long enough to actually get the prey. We'd hunt together every day but we'd rarely kill the animals, just drink enough to satisfy our needs. A rustling in the leaves makes my head snap into the direction of the noise in time to see Lucas staring at me with wide eyes and emotion I've come to recognize as fear. The look in his eyes erases any other thought I had of feeding, my eyes go back to their normal color and my fangs retract. The damage, however, is already done. Lucas saw me as a vampire and he saw me kill and drink the blood of this poor animal in front of me. I stare at him in horror but I have no idea what to say.

I see Jackson moving out of the corner of my eye and register what's happening in time to tackle him to the ground before he could sink his teeth into Lucas. Vampires are very territorial and they absolutely hate being interrupted while they feed. Jackson fights my restraints and manages to throw me off him, right into the trunk of the tree. I recover quickly and speed to his side, sending a punch into his jaw, the sickening crackling sound vibrating through the forest. He flies through the air into a tree, splitting it in half. I step closer to Lucas ready to protect him the second Jackson recovers.

Jackson raises his head, the black veins are gone and his hungry expression has been replaced by a dazed, slightly confused one. I walk to him and stick out my hand, helping him up. It wasn't uncommon for vampires to snap, especially at feeding time, so even though I'm mad he went after my mate, I understand what happened. I turn towards Lucas, ready to explain to him what he saw but he's gone by the time I walk back towards the house. I sniff the air. His scent is still fresh which means he couldn't have gotten far. Jackson is by my side a second later and we take off onto the rooftops and through the streets, tracking the scent.