Chapter 28


So not only is she a werewolf, she's an alpha which in turn... I gasp, "Lucas is an alpha?" She nods her head, confirming my suspicions, "But wait, Lucas thinks your current husband is his real father. How did that happen?"

She takes a deep breath, " Once again the witch. Like I said she manipulated his memories so that whatever I wanted him to believe, he did. Actually, she wasn't a witch she was-"

"An oracle, the oracle." I look to the source of the voice and a smile makes its way onto my face at the sight of my dear friend standing at the door. She walks past the guards and they all bow at the sight of her, my dear friend, the great oracle.

"Hello, Nicole"

Her green eyes meet my blue ones and I realize just by the look in them that this isn't a social visit, "Lia, I wish this could've been under happier circumstances but we have to save them. Lucas is in danger and so are Camille, Jackson, and Julia and if we don't rescue them soon they will die." I don't need to be told twice. I send her a nod move towards the stairs, "Where are you going?"

"Back to my office, if we're going to rescue them we'll obviously need a plan. Now I know there is some animosity between you two-" I look between my mother and Meaghan, "- but you wíll put that aside for now and we will all work together to save them. I don't care what happened in your past, it's been eight years, it's time to put it to rest." and with that, we walk up the stairs in silence.


"We need to find my son!"

"Where do you think they could be?"

"You can't possibly think about going yourself!"

"You're Highness, you have duties here, you can't leave!"

I clutch my hair as they all start talking at once. Their voices fill the room as they all argue about what should happen some saying we should leave, others telling me I should stay. All I can think about is Camille and I hate to admit it but Lucas has been on my mind since I arrived and knowing he's in danger has only made it harder to forget him. The goddess knows how much I'd love to move on but I never formally rejected him and until I do, our souls are connected.

"I found them!" the room goes silent and I look up to see Nicole pointing at a map. I move over to her but I don't recognize the territory as our own." This is the territory of the vampires, that's why you couldn't find them, Lia, you've been looking in your own territory when they're a three-day journey away."

Vampire territory

The Vampire King has to be responsible for this. I growl at the thought of him and looking around the room now I can tell that everyone else is thinking the exact same thing. He tried to kill me and Lucas all those years ago and it seems like now he's back to finish the job. "If we leave now we can be there by the end of the week and we might be able to shave a few hours off if we travel in wolf form." I notice Clarissa is missing from the meeting but I pay no attention to it. She's probably busy with the book I gave her. "Ron, Ciara, as the king and queen betas you will both be in charge of the pack while we're gone along with Gabriel and Lillain seeing as they're the king and queen deltas so between the four of you the pack should be in good hands. Nicole and Meaghan will come with me and I want someone assigned to look after Camille's mate. He's still recovering in the hospital from whatever happened to him."

"What about us?" I turn to look at Jasper and Selena, my deltas. I think about it for a second. The pack is already in good hands between Ron, Gabriel, and Lillian so they aren't needed here.

"You both will come with us. Selena, you know those lands better than anyone and Jasper here is also a certified doctor so we'll need you both on the trip."

There's a sudden knock on the door and in walks Henry, Dominic, and Dylan. Henry takes the lead and speaks up, "We're coming too." I open my mouth to refuse but Dominic beats me to it.

"Don't even think about it. We all have capable betas in charge of our packs and we all want to help you, Leia. You're like a sister to me and Dyl and you're apparently marrying this douchbag right here so we want to help you rescue them. It's our duty as alphas to protect our queen." They all give me a determined stare and I smile at them gratefully.

"Also I'm not a douchbag. I was just as helpless in this affair as Lia was. And Lia..." Henry gives me a serious look and then smiles, as in a genuine smile. Probably the first one I've ever seen, "We'll find your mate, and once we're all back home we can decide what happens from there. We're not kids anymore, we're alphas and we deserve to make our own choices." I beam at him and give all three of them a big hug. I really have amazing alphas and even better friends.

"Thank you. Now-" I turn back towards everyone, "- I've already linked the omegas to have supplies ready for us as soon as we get downstairs. We leave soon so be sure to pack extra clothing because we will be running in wolf form. We all meet in front of the palace in twenty minutes. Meeting adjourned."

I can tell my mother has something to say but I run to my bedroom before she has the chance to. I walk into my walk-in closet and grab a backpack from the top shelf, packing only the essentials. I throw three pairs of shorts and t-shirts into the bag as well as a few pairs of underwear and trainers. The omegas should have the food and bottles of water ready for us by now so I take a quick shower before heading back downstairs to meet the others.

I jog down the last steps and see everyone already there, "Okay people let's move out. Nicole will ride with me for today and we'll stop and make camp tonight." We head to the door and are about to exit when my mother's voice stops me.

"You can't possibly think of leaving now! You just became queen for goddess' sake!"

"Mother, I really don't have time for this." We walk to the edge of the woods with her in tow, rambling on about my duties.

"This boy cannot possibly be worth dropping everything just like that. As queen you have responsibilities." She spits out the words, them being too bitter for her taste. I spin on my heels and face her.

" Lucas is my mate, of course, he is worth it!" She walks closer and now we're face to face, although she is slightly taller than me.

"If you walk away now the council could deem you unfit to rule. This could possibly cost you the thrown-! "

"-then so be it! I would give this all up for him in an instant and if the council deems me unfit and wants my crown they will have to rip it off my cold dead body." I hiss out the words and turn away from her, shifting into my wolf in the process. The weight of my words hits me and I realize just how true they are. Even after everything Lucas put me through I'd still give this all up.

All for him...