Chapter 5

The sound of an alarm is the worst sound ever, it fricking gives me anxiety. I feel like a stampede started in my gut. It takes five minutes at least to calm myself down. Remember when you're swaying on a chair and then one time you tilt it a little too much and feel like you'll fall? The sudden fear you get for a millisecond? That is exactly what it feels like. Never admitted it out loud, but I fear alarm sounds. Terrified. I even tried using a song I like as the alarm. I started hating that song. Eventually, I got up after rolling around in bed for a while. It takes some willpower to get out of bed on weekends. Sometimes I plop down again a few times before my feet finally touch the floor.

It's a pleasant Saturday morning. I set the alarm for 9 AM on my phone, but it's 10 AM now. I slept late last night, after wishing David and chatting with the guys.

After brushing my teeth and washing my face, I was at the table. I'll just shower later. Mom and Dad already had breakfast, I suppose. But Dad still had his face buried in his newspaper and mom was on a call with my aunt. I guess they woke up late too 'cause they were tired of arranging the house. We're all lazy, to be honest. We still haven't set up the whole place, even though we're past the better part of our second month. The packers and movers helped with the furniture, but we had to unpack all the other boxes and set them up.

"Marc, I know I've been busy with work and the house. You told me some stuff about school, but I want the details, son. Are you having any problems now? Are they treating you well?" Dad asked, still reading his newspaper. Most times, half of what I say just bounces back because he just reads with so much concentration. Well, what I say is part trash, anyway. I'd blab about school or other stuff when I had no one else. And they'd pretend to recognise who all those people are. But it looks like he genuinely wants to know.

"I like it. I mean, I don't have that computer science teacher, so that's a real upgrade. I missed Books and others a lot at first, but I met a really friendly group of guys. They helped me catch up, the teachers helped as well. Speaking of, it's David's birthday today. We're going to the mall and have dinner there. I told you before. So, I'll be late." I reminded them, focusing on my food.

Mon hung up while I was talking. "That's alright if it's the mall. You aren't lying about that, right? What if you go to some club or underground party, drink and use drugs?" Dad nodded. He folded his newspaper and set it down slowly while looking at me to look intimidating. So dramatic. This is where I get my dramatics from.

"Mom, why would I lie? I don't even go to parties. I hate them anyway. And I have the social skills of a dehydrated slug. It's the mall, and no I won't be dead or wake up in a ditch the next morning."

"What social skills does a dehydrated slug have? It's dead."


"Hmm, alright. Are you buying him something? Do you want extra money?" Dad asked.

"Yeah, the guys are gifting him a set of picture frames. And we'll take the last picture there. Isn't it a nice idea? It's fine, I already have some saved."

"Aww, it reminds me of my student days. We made a collage like that. I should call Jennie, it's been so long."

I spent the rest of the day watching TV, listening to music, and getting some homework done. ("I feel like I became a zombie, not alive, but I'm still walking. When the sunrise is upon me, I'll be waiting for the day to pass by, oh why?") I was going through my clothes while singing along, trying to decide what to wear. It reminded me of the time Kairn caught me singing. Smiling, I thought, hmm, should I wear the white tee or the black one? Finally, I chose the white T-shirt. It has 'let's handle this like adults' with rock, paper and scissors hand gestures on it. Thought it was funny when I bought it.

("I became a zombie, and there's nothing that can cure me. So tomorrow I know I'll be just the same, you'll see me wishing to stop and close... my eyes.")


When I reached the mall, David, Duke and Ezra were already there waiting on a bench and laughing about something. All of them were in casual clothes, but Duke wore a T-shirt with David's face on it. What why?

"Hey, guys. Happy birthday David. What're you guys talking about? And what is that?"

"Thanks, Marc, oh it was about Duke's birthday. He passed out first on his birthday and didn't remember most of it the next day. He has terrible alcohol tolerance. It was just beers. But he promised he would wear a t-shirt with my face on it on my birthday. I don't remember how we got there. And why are you so embarrassed? It should be me. It's my face on your T-shirt. Don't know why I agreed then either. It must've seemed like a good idea then." David explained while laughing and pausing for a moment to catch his breath in the middle. He always does that when something is funny to him. It was hard to understand, but I've got better at that.

"Well, it was a lot of beers and yes, ugh it's embarrassing." Duke groaned, shaking his head. He sat with his arms crossed to hide the tee.

Lance soon showed up. "Nice T-shirt... Oh, we're talking about Duke's birthday. It was so stupid. You did some dumb shit, and we were dumb too, for not recording it and joining you. Felix and I had to take David and Marvin to my place 'cause we were the only responsible ones. I know Marc is one of us responsible ones. Kai, Liam and Ryan left before the shit hit the roof. And I wanted to punch the others for leaving us with you dodos. And Marvin, the moron, was the worst," Lance concluded, shaking his head. It looked like he was reminiscing about something by the end. He didn't sound frustrated or angry. Lance says and does cryptic stuff sometimes. Or it's just me, but I don't get it.

"Hey what have I done now? I just joined you guys." Marvin accompanied us, grinning, with a hint of amusement.

"It's the stuff you always do."

"But that's one of my charms, babe. Admit it, you never get bored."

"Why the fuck do you call me that, you birdbrain! I told you to stop. It's dumb. Do you wanna get punched in public? I don't care if I get thrown out."

"I'll just say I don't know you two if that happens," David mumbled 'cause it looked like Marvin hit a nerve. We agreed. I guess Lance is embarrassed Marvin said it in a public place and he's been calling him babe often.

"Because I want to. And it's fun. I'll be okay with getting thrown out with you. I can add it to our list of adventures." Marvin said it like it's the most natural thing ever.

And they started again.

Felix, Ryan and Liam joined us later. Kairn was late.

"What should we do first?" Ezra asked, ignoring the bickering. We're all pretty used to it now.

"Let's go to WTF, it must be dance night today," Duke suggested.

"What? What is that?" Who names their club that? It's so lame. How old are they, twelve? And there's a club at the mall?

"Oh, it's We, the Foodies. Yeah, I know. It's a restaurant, but it has an open space in the middle, so it has like dance nights on weekends." Liam explained.

"Nah, it was boring. Let's just go to the arcade. Have snacks and play. We can go to Pitcher Perfect and drink a little too. You guys can have mocktails if you don't want to drink. They have a large variety." Ezra voiced his opinion. Not that I wanted to drink.

I'm genuinely more curious about the names they give to the restaurants and bars here than actual beer.

"I'm happy with boba." Felix shrugged.

"Yeah, I love boba too."

The discussion stopped before it even began when Kairn finally reached. "Sorry, I'm late." He greeted us, trying to smile. He wore a black T-shirt and slightly ripped jeans. Though it looks like he put some effort into his hair. Cool.

"It's fine. At least you're here." Ryan teased, laughing. He smiled and shrugged.

"David, what do you wanna do?" Felix asked him.

"Whatever birthday boy wishes." Duke agreed.

"Yeah, let's go to the game zone. Bowling first."

Damn, I suck at bowling.

Song used:

- Zombie by Day6