Chapter 10

("I like that you're broken, broken like me. Maybe that makes me a fool. I like that you're lonely, lonely like me. I could be lonely with you...")

The music wasn't loud; it was a relaxed atmosphere.

"If you think it's your fault with people, it's not. They like to keep up appearances, they judge you for it. You're honest and you trusted people with it, and they judged you for it. So it's not you, it's them. Never think you're a weirdo."

He stopped for a second and smirked lightly, "You're weird... in a good way."

I gave him a deadpan look. He just grinned at that. He did it deliberately.

"And you're a dork... in a good way."

"I think we've already established that." Oh, so he's getting cocky now. I didn't think he had it in him.

I could only smile with gratitude, but I think he got what I wanted to convey. We pointed out cloud shapes for a while.

"I'll go get some water. I’m really thirsty.”

"One for me too, please."


"Thanks, Marc."

I got up with a smile that seemed to be permanently resting on my face today. I got two bottles of water for us.

Felix was awake now and was talking to Ezra about some movie. By talking, I mean narrating the story of that whole movie animately. He loves doing that and Ezra enjoys it as well. I usually lose track of the story midway.

"And then it turns out the model was never the son of that man who was killed. He turned himself him in just to save the actual son, who- get that- he is in love with. He even kills himself to keep that guy's identity a secret."

"No way. So the guy just used him?"

"No, they really loved each other. Maybe that was always the plan. The guy kills himself after his revenge too."


"And you wouldn't believe who the actual son was-"

"Wait, I have an idea."

Marvin and Lance were lying down, looking at the sky in silence, both looking content. It was weird to see them not bickering. Lance pointed at a cloud, making Marvin chuckle. Their seemingly never-ending feud was all but forgotten.

"I'll buy those colourful sky lanterns. You loved those."

"We aren't kids anymore."

"You don't have to be a kid to enjoy them, silly."

Yeah, it's weird. Maybe they decided on a truce or got tired. They'll be back at it again tomorrow. I know they've been friends since they were really young, but I guess they know each other very well. I still don't get them, though.

Farther away, I could see the other guys on the bridge over the lake. It's small but looks so beautiful and peaceful. Maybe someday I'll see the bridge up close. I didn't really have the energy to walk today.

I walked past them and sat back down and passed a bottle to Kairn. He sat up and had some water. We then lay down again.

"Marc..." It was a serious tone, one he's never used before.

I turned towards him and sat up, leaning on my elbow. Facing him, I smiled, "Yeah...?" I was so close to him now, I could see his face up close, his sharp nose and even the small mole below his right eye's corner. I could clearly see his honey brown eyes looking up at me. They look dark in the night. They're different. Not his nonchalant gaze, but a mix of emotions.

I forgot everything else, the time or that we're in the park with the other guys or the loud chirping of crickets piercing through the quiet and dark. Maybe I wished they would all fade away.

("There's something tragic, there's something pure. Think I could love you. But I'm not sure... There's something wholesome, there's something sweet, tucked in your eyes that I'd love to meet...")

"I... "

"Hey guys, it's late. Let's call it a night. Help me wrap all this up." David and the other guys were back, suddenly bringing us back.

I focused on Kairn again. "Yeah Kairn, you what?"

"Call me Kai."

"Huh?" That was sudden.

"Well, you always call me Kairn. I call you Marc. So... you can call me Kai as well."

I punched his chest lightly with my other arm. "You could've easily told me this before. So dramatic."

I smiled at him and extended my arm.

"Well, nice to meet you Kai."

There was a quiet feeling that was not what he wanted to say.

("I like that you're broken, broken like me. Maybe that makes me a fool. I like that you're lonely, lonely like me ... I could be lonely with you...")

Song used :

- Broken by lovelytheband