Chapter three

Tanaka had known the drive back to her apartment would be wild for her but she had not expected her senses to focus on this handsome man so extremely. She looked down to her hand and eased the death grip she had on her bag and coat, her fingers were actually starting to get painful. The conversation was not enough to distract her from his perfume and that underlying musky scent that was just him. And his voice, goodness his voice was killing her. In that moment her mind had the audacity to conjure up an imagination of him close to her face and kissing her full on the lips and saying something hot in that voice. “What is wrong?” he suddenly asked while keeping his eyes focused on the road. “What?” “Just now, you gasped as if you saw something surprising. “Oh she had seen something surprising, in the eye of her mind.” “It’s nothing, I am just thinking of stuff”, she said and gave a small smile. “Hmm, okay.”

The car turned a corner and the GPS lady told them they had reached their destination. “Here we are,” said Alessandro. “Thank you so much Alessandro.” He got out of the car and went round to open her door. “Thank you”, she said again. “I like your place, the curb appeal is top notch!” he admired while giving her house a once over. “Flattery Mr. Romero,” Tanaka chuckled. He turned from analysing the house and looked at her. “I am serious Tanaka, it’s different from what I have seen.” And that is exactly what she had been aiming for when she designed the landscaping of her French country style house. Right now they were standing in the driveway which was all white and was decorated with bollard lights up to the front stairs that led into the house. The façade was done in old grey rock and there was ivy climbing up to the roof. She looked around her front yard and pretended to see it through his eyes, as if for the first time and she had to admit, she felt proud of the work she had done. The all white dogwood tree in the middle of the lawn just made it all better. “And look at that white tree over there, is that a willow?” She chuckled again, “it is called a dogwood plant.

Thank you for all the nice things you just said, makes me feel real proud of the work I did here.” Alessandro bent down to her height and looked at her face. “Excuse me what?” You did all this?” Now she was blushing hard under all his attention. “Well I designed it on one of those landscaping software, Sketchup if I remember the name correctly and then helped the workers with some of the stuff.” “So let me see, you speak seven languages, sing, a killer dancer and you are basically a designer,” he said as he counted off his fingers. What can you not do Miss Huchi?” “Haha Alessandro, one would have to find out about that.” As soon as those words left her mouth she panicked because maybe he would think that was an invitation to ask her out or something.

“I think I should get inside now; it is getting chilly out here.” “Let me walk you to your door. “It’s just right there, I will be fine.” “I think I would feel better if I just walked you there.” “Okay fine Mr. Romero.” When they got to her door, he took the key from her hands and unlocked the door for her. She just stood there watching his long strong fingers work the key into the lock. She wandered what those fingers were capable of doing to a girl. No! She should not think like that. The only reason why he is being so nice is because you are the best friend to his cousin, she thought for the second time. Finally, the door opened, the moment had seemed to last forever although in reality it had probably just been five seconds. “Thank you once more Alessandro," she said as she readied herself to get into the house. He came so close to her and leaned down, her breathing became shallow and she was pretty sure he noticed that. Alessandro kissed her on the cheek, lingering for a second more. “Goodnight Tanaka, it was a real pleasure meeting you.”

Tanaka just stood by her porch and watched him walk back to his car, she kept standing until he had driven away. Okay so it was only a slight peck to the cheek but it had felt good to have him that close to her. She got into her apartment while scolding herself to stop. But she could not stop thinking of him. What would have happened had she invited him inside? she thought to herself as she put her keys and purse on the hallway table. Would he have accepted? As she walked into her kitchen for a drink of water, she gave into that line of thought just for amusement. She imagined that he would have said yes to her invitation, then she would have poured him a drink, sip it while he watching her every move under those grey smoky eyes. “No,” she sighed as she stood at the sink with a glass in her hand. Tanaka knew that as much as she wanted to fantasize about the tall muscular, basically perfect man she had spent the night with it would do her no good. Yes, he had showered her with unexpected attention tonight and she had been far beyond flattered but that was all it was, one night of fun and experiencing what it felt like to get attention from a man of that calibre. For all she knew she was supposed to be grateful to Nathaniel for introducing them because at least now she could die knowing she had danced in the arms of a god. She rinsed her glass and made her way upstairs to bed vowing to forget of Alessandro Romero’s existence. How hard could that be right?