Chapter five

“Goodnight Tee.” “Goodnight Lisa. Good job today with the Russian ambassador, I told you that you were ready to sit in and interpret on your own.” Tanaka could tell that Lisa was over the moon with the praise she had showered her with. “Thank you so much Tanaka for giving me the chance and for having more faith in me than I do in myself. And before you say anything I know I am supposed to have faith in myself before anything else,” she said. “That is exactly right,” Tanaka said pointing her pen to her. “Oh and Lisa please don’t forget the spreadsheet tomorrow.” “I promise I will not boss.”

Tanaka had decided to stay till seven to translate the documents for their biggest client because if she went home all she would do was sit on the couch with a salad and watch The Office, which she was rewatching for the 15th time now. Only thirty more minutes and she would go home. She stood up to go to the water dispenser in her employees’ work space because she needed a little walk even though she had a water dispenser in her office. She preferred warm water because she believed it aided with the weight loss. As she stood drinking her water she started to think about Alessandro, she wandered what he was doing in that moment. Was there a lucky woman underneath him who was receiving his touch? Why was she even entertaining that line of thought, “Okay let’s go back to work shall we?” she said to herself. Thirty minutes flew by very fast but at least she had finished her work. Tanaka switched off her computer and made sure everything was in order before she left. How she could not wait to get home and have a relaxing bath while listening to her favourite album by Pink Floyd.

As Alessandro was saying goodbye to his aunt, he started having second thoughts about paying Tanaka a visit. It was eight o’clock now so she would definitely be home. He should just go home he told himself. So why was his car turning into her road as if it had a mind of its own? It did not take a long time to reach her house. He switched off his car and sat staring at the door. The lights were on so she was around. He got out of his car, walked up to the porch and rang the doorbell. He waited for at least a minute then rang it gain, it was immediately answered.

Tanaka opened the door and said, “I am sorry June I was in the- it’s you,” she exclaimed with her plump lips partly open on an unuttered gasp. “I thought it was my delivery woman with my package. This is a surprise, come in Alessandro.” She was wearing a pair of tiny, very tiny biker shorts in turquoise and white stripes. On top she was wearing a t-shirt that was a bit baggy. Right she had told him to come in, he made his legs work and stopped staring at her like she had grown a third boob. “How are you Alessandro?” “I am good thanks, how are you?” He did not wait for her reply but instead continued, “I was in the neighbourhood and thought I should give you a visit.” She looked at him with a look he could not decipher while she walked down the hallway and turned into a kitchen designed in black and white. There was a huge island with stools in the middle. With a kitchen like this she obviously loved to cook, he could spot all the latest appliances that his sister fussed over. And he could bet she designed this masterpiece herself just like her yard.

“I am great thank you for asking. Where in the neighbourhood where you if you don’t mind my asking? Did Nathan ask you to check up on his mother for him?” “He did yes.” “I feel so guilty I couldn’t do it myself but thank you so much for taking over.” “Hey no need to thank me, she is my aunt I should be checking up on her more.” Alessandro was so distracted, but how could he not be when she looked like that and smelt so good like she had just taken a bath. He could smell flowers and myrrh oil on her. His senses would not focus on anything else. As if she remembered what she was wearing she looked down at herself and announced shyly that she was from taking a bath and had just thrown on the first thing she had seen. “Excuse me while I go change, make yourself comfortable. There is juice and beer in the fridge.” “Please don’t change because of me Tanaka,” he said, his voice husky and low. “You look good like that.” What in the world had encouraged him to say that! “You are just saying that so I do not feel the need to change at your expense,” she said without quite meeting his eyes, she was blushing heavily and he felt good about himself “No I mean it Tanaka”, he said while looking down to her thighs. The fantasies he had come up with because of those thighs. He had imagined what they would look like and seeing them exposed like this today had taken him by surprise. They were a thousand times better than any fantasy he had conjured up in the last two weeks. The tiny biker shorts just made them the more attractive, how they did that he did not know. “Let me just go change, it will not take two minutes. I will be back soon. Make yourself comfortable there is juice and water in the fridge," she repeated. Oh and donuts on the island, help yourself”. “Sure thanks,” he mumbled. The only thing he wanted to help himself to was her.

The last person Tanaka had expected to see standing on her porch was Alessandro Romero. She had had to move her mind into thinking fast so as not to reveal the level of her shock. Her stomach had done a backflip at the sight of him. And when he had said that thing about how she looked good wearing the shorts and t shirt, oh how she had wanted the ground to swallow her up because she knew she had been about to blush hard! She had felt a little satisfaction too and had quickly crashed it down. He looked good, like he probably always did. The suit he was wearing seemed custom made to fit his body like a glove because it revealed his big muscular biceps, it did not look tight or uncomfortable he was just a big guy. He was beautiful, that’s how she could describe him, with that dark black hair and those lips, his olive skin and his height. He had to be about 6 ft. 4. She was dying to have those lips on… “Okay Tanaka, that’s enough”, she said to herself.

What should she wear? A dress, she did not want to overdo it so as to seem like she was dressing up for him. A part of her told her that she was dressing up for him but she quickly squashed it down. She put on a black maxi dress that was not tight but hugged her butt and hips, because truthfully speaking everything she wore hugged those parts of her. It took her a minute to apply lotion and then she slipped into a pair of flip flops and returned to the kitchen. There she found Alessandro sitting on one of the stools drinking a glass of juice. She stood in the doorway for a second admiring his back, he had taken off his jacket and the white shirt he was wearing was strained on his back, revealing the muscles that made up his back. She started to imagine what it would feel like to run her hands over that muscular back, feeling and easing the tension that must be present there. He turned around just in time to stop her mind taking it too far.

“You are back.” She noticed he was looking her up and down, then he gave a little smile. “What are you smiling for?” “You look good.” His voice sounded deeper than usual as he said that but she chose to ignore that remark and asked him if he was hungry. When he announced that he was in fact hungry she decided to feed him some of her supper. “Well you are in luck because I have left over chicken a la king and rice from yesterday. I am pretty sure it is enough to feed both of us.” “Hey I am a big guy who eats a lot”, he said in a joking tone. She laughed at that. “I am positive you will be fine.”

Tanaka was walking around her beautiful kitchen while he sat at the island and sipped on guava juice. She was so freaking sexy, her butt moved side to side slowly as she did her task. Every time she walked past him, he caught the scent of her bath soap and there was a new scent there that wasn’t the lotion. It was purely her, a musky scent that made him harder than he already was. That’s right, the way her body moved and swayed had made him develop an erection. He had fantasized about her for two long weeks and being in her presence like this was making him go crazy. She was saying something to him, something about his profession. “So of all the things Nathaniel told you about me he never cared to mention what I do?”, he asked with amusement. “Yep” she said, “and come to think of it I never even bothered to ask him.” “I am a hotelier.” “Why do I get the feeling you are being modest about it? she said. He had been distracted by her hips again. “What? No I am not. I am a hotelier. I have several hotels spread across and I manage them with the help of my sister. I also run a real estate and construction firm.” “Nice!” she said with interest. “I guess it is.” “How long have you been into real estate and construction?” “Ever since I graduated college. That is what I majored in, it was a double major like you with French and Portuguese. It is something I have always been passionate about, designing a house and seeing it come to life.” “I can tell that you are passionate about your work, I think that is important, being passionate about what you do. Otherwise you will be miserable and always angry at life. He noticed that she was speaking from experience and he mentioned it to her. “I am speaking from experience actually; you are very observant aren’t you.” “Care to tell me about it?” “It’s not a big deal really.” “I still want to hear this not a big deal story.” He was serious, he wanted to hear about the ordeal she had gone through. He was itching to know every detail he could about her.