Long ago, there was darkness. Then a being manifested from the space and time and aspired to create a new world.
Her name was Krona, The Goddess of Time.
To balance this new world, Krona gave birth to two children who would rule to two lights of the world; Solas, who ruled the Sun and Day, and Nyxia, who would rule the night and the Moon.
With the help of her children and their progeny, life began to flourish on Tellus. It became home to many different species and races of plants, animals and other creatures that thrived on the land.
All seemed well until Erebus, the god of darkness, began to tire of his daily role. He began to assign roles to his children to cause discord and chaos in the world. Eventually, a taint began to spread among the creatures and Thantos and his brethren had to intervene.
Because of this taint, death was forever a part of the world. So Erebus and his brood were banished to the Abyss, along with the horrors he unleashed.
However, that was only the beginning.
For you see, when the world was first established, each major deity granted their powers in form of the crystals, in hopes that the creatures of, what is now known as Itara, would use it to help, not only each other, but continue to keep the world in balance.
Sadly, the taint left behind more than sickness. Fear and greed lead to fights among each other. Land and resources were being seized by those with more power and often used as weapons to use against others. Those less fortunate were left to fend for themselves.
And then the wars began to raze the lands.
Soon, the land of Itara was caught in a war between the Sun and Moon kingdoms.
Many kingdoms and small cities were caught in the crossfire, as the war between the two raged on.
But two lovers, one who was born of the sun, the other born of night, rose up to stop the two kingdoms from destroying themselves and everything around them.
They managed to succeed, only for the woman to lose her love in the process. Filled with great despair and anger, she curses the land as a reminder for those dare use violence to destroy.