Chapter 18





That was Angel, yelling dramatically, as she pushed open her heavy door and got out of the car.

Jenarius watched her with a smirk on his face as she bent down to stretch. She kicked her legs out, twisted her neck from side to side, and then yawned.

He couldn’t help but enjoy her humor, her character- as loud as she was- but he knew he didn’t dislike her. Not anymore, anyway.

They had reached the State of Illinois thirty minutes ago, and then Angel had directed him to her Shaman friend’s house with pieces of her cheese burger flying out of her mouth whenever she yelled.

Now, they were finally parked outside the house of the man that would tell them where to find the Shaman that would help them fight The Mist.

Jenarius glanced back at Harvey but he was fast asleep. He had been sleeping since they arrived and hadn’t even woken up to eat his first real meal in two days.