Death Cannot Be Predicted

"Hi, Dr. Cole! I'm Celine. You asked me to meet you today." She introduced herself politely.

"Get inside the lab! We can talk there." Dr. Cole instructed in a cold tone.

Celine felt the chills coming up through her spine. Dr. Genius is a hunk! A cold one for that matter. She can't take her eyes away from his beautiful face. His chiseled chin makes him masculine and his eyes make him adorable. Even the crest of his nose suits him very well.

"You never had any lab experience. How can you call yourself a scientist?" Dr. Cole's voice echoed from the walls of the laboratory.

"I have a major in Biology and Psychology. My experience is from the college lab. I graduated top of my class." She boasted a little bit.

She can't concentrate on this unusual interview they are currently having. They are both standing up on the different sides of the laboratory table. Plus Dr. Genius is facing her with a deadly cold expression. He's super attractive for a scientist. Not to mention his lean and toned body is making her blush!

"You call that experience? The only related job experience you have is being an academic writer. But I don't need a writer here. I need an assistant to make a time travel device!" Dr. Cole explained.

"It's only the year 2021 doctor." She replied, trying to stay calm.

"What are you saying?" Dr. Cole snapped.

Celine tried her best to keep her cool even if she's starting to lose it. She doesn't care if this scientist is a genius and hot. If he continues to be rude, she's going to walk out of this interview. Sure, she doesn't have any experience working in a laboratory. But she knows her stuff and she can be a good assistant scientist in this lab.

"Based on your job ad, you need an assistant on June 28, 2030. That's nine years from now. I can get more lab experience before that." She defended her crushed ego.

"Hah! Ha...ha...ha…" Dr. Cole started to laugh.

What's wrong with this guy? She only told him about the details of his job ad. How come he's laughing right now like she said something funny? It's not her intention to be in this situation. Maybe walking out of that laboratory should be her next move.

"I'm building another technology for time travel. I don't plan to wait for 2030 to happen. I'm using the existing time machine to go to the future. It's easier to make that device on that date since the technology is already advanced on that timeline." Dr. Cole informed her after he stopped his evil laugh.

"So, if you hire me, I have to go to the future? As in we will be working in the year 2030 while it's 2021 right now. Is it already possible at this age and time?" She's blabbering now because of what Dr. Genius just told her.

"Yes, you can start now. You can use the lab coats over there! Don't forget to wear the goggles." Dr. Cole instructed.

It can't be happening… She already got the job just like that! After he just told her that she's lacking experience and she can't call herself a scientist, he accepted her in his lab. It doesn't even make sense how she got hired. She also needs to think about the working conditions.

Traveling in time can be very dangerous especially if the technology is not ready for it yet. She never read anything from the Science magazine or website about a successful time machine. Although the pay is good, it's not enough if she has to risk her life for the job.

"Sorry, I have to think about it first! There's no way I can work right away with this working condition." Celine said and walked out.

Dr. Cole was left in confusion since he's already getting the time machine ready. He thought that she's willing to be his assistant. But it seems that she has to think about the job first. What if she didn't go back to work with him? He doesn't have any applicants to fill the position.

He's sure that it's about his social skills. After working alone in the lab, he doesn't know how to talk to people. Another reason that she walked out maybe because she got intimidated. Not just from him but also about time travel. She may not be ready yet about the idea that they can go to the future right away.

It's such a waste if she will not go back to work for him. Celine is the kind of person he would like to train to specialize in time travel. He's been doing it alone for a long time now. But he needs to train someone to continue his legacy before he goes back and stays in the past. He will go back to the year when he's still powerful.

Celine was able to get back to her place after that unexpected encounter with Dr. Genius. She calls him that because of a magazine article from the past. Little does she know that his lack of manners compensated by being a genius. But he never allows pictures during his interviews. She never thought that he would look gorgeous in person.

Her cell phone rings while she's into deep thought. The idea of time traveling herself never occurred to her. She can't believe that there's a time machine that works from Dr. Cole's lab. She can deal with his rudeness but she's not planning to endanger her life. Maybe she should just forget about it.

"Hello? Who is it?" Celine finally answered the call after a lot of rings.

"Is this Celine Montgomery?" The lady on the other line asks.

"Yes, this is Celine. How can I help you?" She asks as well.

"I'm calling to inform you that there has been an incident here in the hospital. Dr. Simmons was killed from the shooting." The lady informed her without beating around the bush.

Celine passed out in an instant.