Stuck In Time

Wa Nam Restaurant offers a lot of Chinese cuisines this year. It's been around since the 80s. This restaurant still exists during the present time. But the management has changed and so is their chef. This means the food was not as good as before.

Drake ordered a lot of food for just the two of them. He's planning to taste all the good food he had here before when he was just ten years old. Seeing familiar faces in this place makes him nostalgic. But he's starting to worry since Chad hasn't made contact with them yet.

Fried noodles, dumplings, roasted Peking duck, and a lot more are now served on their table. Drake was able to prepare old bills for this moment. But he's not planning to stay in the year 2000. They need to go to 2010 when he's already 21 years old.

He's planning to change his past so that he can have a better future. A future when he will have his mother around. She's the true genius and if she will still be alive in the present year, they both can make time travel better. But right now, he's stuck with his assistant who seems to already give up hope for a better future.

"Eat as much as you want. We don't know what's happening in the lab in the future." Drake informed his assistant.

"How come Chad wasn't able to contact you? He did it easily during the present time." Celine observed while chewing.

"The communicator on the device might have some issues since we're in the past now. If he doesn't call four hours from now, we have to go back to the present." Drake explained.

"Don't worry, you have made the device perfect. We don't have to wait for Chad to call us. Do we?" She asked.

"We need information about the wormhole. If it's still not continuous, we have to go back to the present again before going to the year 2010." Drake informed her and took a bite.

To be honest, Celine is frustrated about this mistake. She's looking forward to the moment she met Derek. If they can go back to the year 2010, she can see him again. Maybe she can stick around so that she can make sure that Derek will stay alive until the present date.

Either Drake miscalculated the year they should go back into or the device has a glitch. It's not like him to do miscalculations since he's a genius after all. She wanted to ask him if there's a problem with the device. But she knows that he's very temperamental when it comes to his inventions.

Drake's device vibrates from the table and he immediately takes it. He needs to run to the restrooms to answer Chad's call. The smartphone is not yet available during this year. He can't let any person from the past see him.

Time travel is banned from the future and if anyone sees him, he might have a problem.

"Hey, Chad! What took you so long?" Drake asked once he's sure he's alone inside the restrooms.

"Sorry Drake! There's a problem with the wormhole. I thought I could stop it but I can't." Chad replied.

"What do you mean?" Drake asked.

"Drake, the wormhole... it's gone!" Chad informed him with a voice full of regrets.

Drake almost falls from his knees from the news. If the wormhole closes, that means that he and Celine are now stuck in the past. They can't do time travel until the wormhole opens. But there's no way he can do something about it now that they are stuck in 2000.

"Listen, Chad. You have to use the time machine and get us here. That created the wormhole we used. It may be able to create a new one." Drake suggested.

"Of course, the time machine can do that! But we may have a little problem with that." Chad replied.

"What's wrong this time?" Drake asked.

"You see, the authorities that work on the time travel ban went to the lab and confiscated your time machine," Chad informed him.

"What? Do you mean you're not in the lab anymore?" Drake horrifyingly asked.

"I was able to escape from them. I'm hiding under the giant mushroom near the lab. By the way, they took our avatars." Chad responded.

Drake feels like his world suddenly collapses. The authorities from the future confiscated his time machine and arrested their avatars. There's no way Chad can pick them up without the time machine.

Maybe the government agency that bans time travel closes the wormhole. It's a disaster but he can't do anything about it from where he is. There's only one thing to do but Chad has to do it. He's just afraid that he might not agree with his plan.

"Chad, you have to do me a favor or Celine will also be stuck here with me," Drake said.

"Sure, what's your plan doctor?" Chad asked.

"You need to get into that time machine!" Drake suggested.

"But how can I do that? I can't run fast because of my weight. You know that!" Chad asked.

"Just try to figure it out Chad! I'll try to find a way around here as well. Call me back when you're ready!" Drake hangs up his device.

Drake gets out of the restroom and tries to look calm. But the more he looks at his surroundings right now, the more it seems to be impossible to get out of this mess. They are from the present time which means that it's the future from when they are. It's the year 2000 but it already looks ancient to him.

"When are we going back?" Celine asked with a wide smile.

"Not yet. Let's find a hotel we can stay in for a while." Drake suggested.

Drake doesn't have to say anything for Celine to realize that something went wrong. If not, he will never suggest finding a hotel around here. It's plain and simple, they are stuck in the Y2K and she can't do anything about it.