Epic Fail

"Hey, you can't go there!" The guard yelled at Chad.

He's about to enter the facility of Time Travel Agency but someone spotted him. It's almost midnight and he thought that he won't be encountering any guards anymore. But it's a suicide mission. If he can't create a new wormhole, Dr. Cole and Celine will be in trouble. It's now or never!

Chad pressed the turbo button on his automatic rollerblades. He zoomed away from the guard who chased him right away. But he's not worried because even if his rollerblades are old already, they can speed away even in a car chase. That's what the turbo button is all about, speed! He lost sight of the guard right away.

Now, all he has to do is to speed away to the lobby where the time machine is temporarily stored. It's too big for them to put into the storage room of confiscated items. They are still finding the perfect hiding place for it. Chad is grateful for that because he can access it easily. Not that he's doing well right now.

But he needs to take this chance to get close to the time machine. After that, he can just get inside and set the date inside. He will be gone from the future in no time. All he needs to do is to stop now since he's almost there. Chad pressed the stop button from the right side on his rollerblades. It still works since it stopped abruptly that causes him to fly in the ceiling

"Alright, smart guy! Don't do anything stupid. I already called backup. We're going to put you down from there!" It was the guard who was chasing him earlier.

Chad managed to get stuck to the ceiling fan after flying over the lobby. It's an epic fail and he doesn't know how he can rescue his friends. He doesn't have a life outside the lab so Dr. Cole and Celine are the closest friends that he can get. At least he's now faced to face with the time machine.

If he sees them again, he will never tell them how he managed to get into the time machine. He's in a very embarrassing situation now since the ceiling fan gives him a wedgie. All he can do is wait for the other agents who will take him down from the ceiling.

While Drake and Celine are doing well in the past, they are still stuck in time. They were able to find a house that they can rent for a six months contract. It's the best place to recreate the lab and it's already cheap even during this time. The house has a gate and a backyard.

"Well, this is it! This will be our new lab for the meantime." Drake exclaimed with his arms folded in his chest.

"Not bad! At least we can sleep in different rooms now." Celine mentioned.

"Why? What's wrong with sharing the bed with me? I don't snore!" Drake replied.

Celine didn't answer his question since that's not why she doesn't want to sleep with him in one bed anymore. It's very awkward to lay down very close to him. They are not exactly close enough to be comfortable with each other. After all, he's still the CEO of Cole Labs and he's the boss.

She went to check the rooms of this bungalow. It can already be a family house since it has three bedrooms. That reminded her of Chad from the future. If he's able to get into that time machine, he can have the other room from here. But she's not planning to stay in the past because she wanted to go in 2010.

The younger version of Derek should be around here. She was able to see her ten-year-old self when they first arrived here. But she remembered that he grew up in the US. This means he won't be around here during this time. Ironically, they can travel in time but they can't travel abroad.

It's a fully furnished house so they don't have to worry about a shortage of beds. She checks the master's bedroom last and decides that she will occupy this room. There's a king-size bed inside and also a bathroom. She can stay there and just go out to cook or eat. The mattress looks new with matching pillows and blankets.

"This is perfect! The bed is big enough for the two of us." Drake commented.

She didn't notice that he entered the master's bedroom. Drake is also impressed with the king-size bed in the room. He even said that it's perfect. But did he just say it's big enough for them? Celine immediately sits on the bed, marking her territory.

"Oh no, you don't! This is my room which means that this will be my bed. Go find another room!" She told him and tried to shoo him away.

"But I'm scared to sleep on by myself. Let's just share this room!" Drake lay down on the bed.

Celine forgot that Drake is her boss and almost yelled at him. She tried to control herself even if she wanted to drag him out of this room. But since she has a better EQ than him with a very high IQ, she decided to just have to take one of the other rooms. She got up and started walking out of the master's bedroom.

"Where are you going?" Drake asked as if teasing her.

"I'll find another room to sleep! You can have the king-size bed all by yourself. Enjoy!" She said and walked out of the door.

She just goes to the first room she checked earlier. It's smaller but it has a queen-size bed without a bathroom inside. She lay down and tried to calm herself because she's still pissed with Drake. But she's a bit tired from their house hunt.

She decided to take a nap and just wake up to cook dinner for them later. But before she fell asleep, she felt like someone lay down beside her. She turns to the other side of the bed and saw Drake beside her again.